Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Systematic Destruction of the Native American Nations...
In the 1830’s, the American government decided to relocate the Native American peoples to territories west of the Mississippi. The government came up with many reasons that the Native Americans had to move. Those tribes that did not move voluntarily were forcefully relocated from their ancestral lands. This forced move would later be known as The Trail of Tears. The American government came up with many reasons that the Native American peoples needed to move west of the Mississippi. Many Easterners felt that the move would protect Native American culture.1 Many Indians tried to assimilate into the white culture in order to stay on their ancestral lands.2 But the settlers did not like the Indians mixing with white culture because†¦show more content†¦Supreme court declared Georgia’s actions illegal and sided with the Cherokee on the basis of â€Å"domestic domestic nationhood†.8 At this point it seemed like the Cherokee would be allowed to stay on their native lands. This was about to change. The ruling by the U.S. Supreme court was changed when Andrew Jackson became president. President Jackson went against the Supreme Court’s ruling and backed Georgia’s stance on Native American lands. President Jackson had a long history with Native Americans. He fought against the Creek Indians during the war of 1812.9 He did not believe that Native Americans were civilized enough to remain among the white settlers, even though many Cherokee tribes had assimilated into white culture.10 Although President Jackson was not the architect of the Indian relocation act, he was a long time believer in the relocation of Native Americans.11 The passing of President Jackson’s plan would not only affect the Cherokee, but at least five major tribes throughout the United States. In his first State of the Union Address in 1812, President Jackson presented his plan for Indian â€Å"removal†and encouraged Congress to legalize his plan through legislation.12 Presi dent Jackson’s stance on Indian removal was that it would not only protect them from white influence, but that the move would ultimately be beneficial to the Indians by preserving their cultures.13 In Fact, President Jackson felt that his plan for relocation was very generous toShow MoreRelatedThe Trail Of Tears : A Story Of The Native American Genocide Essay1778 Words  | 8 PagesThe Trail of Tears; A Story of the Native American Genocide In 1492 native Americans discovered illegal immigrants invading their country. It has been a downhill fight for natives ever since. As more settlers arrived on the East Coast, an attitude became prevalent within the European communities that it was their right to expand cities across America in the name of progress and economic development. 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The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the National Bureau of Economic Research.  ©2004 by Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission providedRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words  | 316 Pagespicturesâ€â€Semiotics. 2. Motion pictures Philosophy. I. Title. PN1995.M4513 1991 791.43 014â€â€dc20 90-46965 C1P The French edition of Christian Metz s Essais sur la signification au cinema, volume 1, was published by Editions Klincksieck in 1971,  © Editions Klincksieck, 1968. ÃŽËœThe paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. To George Blin, Profesor at theRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pagestheir wives (Kevin and Dawn, Robert and Sally) and their children (Ryan, Carly, Connor and Lauren). C.F.G. â€Å"We must not cease from exploration and the end of all exploring will be to arrive where we begin and to know the place for the first time.†T. S. Eliot To Ann whose love and support has brought out the best in me. And, to our girls Mary, Rachel, and Tor-Tor for the joy and pride they give me. Finally, to my muse, Neil, for the faith and inspiration he instills. E.W.L Preface Since youRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words  | 1792 PagesI 111TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. R. 3962 To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Twelve Who Ruled †Why Tenacious Terror was Necessary Essay
In the year 1793-94, the Reign of Terror invoked by the twelve members of Committee of Public Safety (CPS) was unavoidable and led the way for a metamorphosis to occur within France during the French Revolution. While the word terror is often associated with Halloween or stories meant to be frightening for fun, the word held a far more serious meaning to the people of France. The theme of fear allowed the CPS members to change the monarchy to a revolutionary government in hopes of eventually enacting the constitution already written (75). A group of well-educated radical republicans known as the Jacobins developed the CPS in the fifth year of the French revolution and each of the twelve members dealt with a monthly election to continue†¦show more content†¦The twelve divided the work and each member was much like the United States cabinet officials are today. Each member assigned a task such as Finance, Security, etc. Originally, no member could make a decision without seven other members to avoid personal vendettas (67). As discussed in class, the CPS worked about twelve hour each day with only one day off per week, which meant every ten days. The first order of business for the CPS was to hunt for possible candidates who participated or potentially were involved in counter-revolutionary activities. The main suspects included â€Å"†¦refractory priests, à ©migrà ©s (nobles and clergy members who fled the country because of the revolution), hoarders and monopolists (66).†This did not stop the CPS from watching the entire population of France, but was an obvious place to begin considering the nobles were part of the reason why the French Revolution evolved. A new instrument emerged to attempt to control the people, the guillotine. In class, the device was to gift the nobles a humane and quick death, transcended to a tool of terror by the twelve members of the CPS. The guillotine became a symbol of the French Revolution and ultimately caus ed the CPS to fall withShow MoreRelatedPropaganda by Edward L Bernays34079 Words  | 137 Pages................................. THE MECHANICS OF PROPAGANDA . . CHAPTER I ORGANIZING CHAOS THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Breastfeeding What free essay sample
Breastfeeding: What # 8217 ; s In It For Mom? Essay, Research Paper By this clip, everyone on the planet knows that chest milk is good for babes. But what # 8217 ; s in it for Mom? As it turns out, enough. The fact that breastfeeding is so good for female parents may be one of nature # 8217 ; s best-kept secrets. Ramping endocrines are normal the first few hebdomads post-partum. During this clip, many adult females experience the # 8216 ; babe blues # 8217 ; . The blues can strike both nursing and bottle-feeding mas, but the nursing ma may hold a powerful assist thanks to her high Pitocin degrees. Oxytocin, a powerful endocrine that is stimulated each clip the babe breastfeeds, is a relaxing and calming substance that pulses through the female parent # 8217 ; s organic structure during the milk release. Called # 8216 ; the endocrine of love # 8217 ; by research workers, it plays a function in adhering as a female parent sing an oxytocin haste feels drowsy and profoundly unagitated, advancing a peaceable province in which to fall in love with the babe. Breastfeeding female parents continue to hold an altered endocrine province for every bit long as nursing continues. This is at least partly the consequence of suppressed menses. Unrestricted nursing can bring forth holds in the return of birthrate for drawn-out periods of clip. Six months to a twelvemonth is non unusual, and some nursing mas bask even longer interruptions. During this clip, Fe shops are replenished and female parents are spared the temper swings of normal cycling. For adult females who experience PMS, this genuinely provides a holiday from added emphasis! ( Note: Globally, breastfeeding is the most widely employed method for child-spacing. But no prophylactic method is fool-proof. Womans frequently employ a back-up system of barrier contraceptive method merely to be certain. ) After experiencing like the Goodyear Blimp for months, most pregnant adult females look frontward to holding their organic structures back. It doesn # 8217 ; t go on instantly though, and that dough-boy expression we all have the first six hebdomads postpartum may be portion of the ground many adult females feel a spot down. A 1999 Time Magazine article about suckling provided the undermentioned good intelligence: # 8220 ; Nursing a babe may look reasonably effortless, but it can fire up 500 Calories a twenty-four hours # 8211 ; the equivalent of running approximately 5 miles. # 8221 ; Scientific surveies have demonstrated that between three months and nine months postpartum, nursing female parents who get even mild exercising lose more weight than their bottle-feeding sisters. Moderate exercising is non merely All right for the nursing ma, but it seems to profit the milk supply, excessively. Merely be certain to empty the chests before exercising and have on a supportive bandeau . Talking of organic structure image, those leaking, conceited chests of the first month DO settle down. In an established lactation, adult females a rhenium merely truly cognizant of comprehensiveness if they go excessively long between provenders. Over clip, breastfeeding chests return to a reasonably normal size, although they maintain a libertine, firmer form that many adult females ( and their spouses ) find attractive. Lower emphasis degrees, a interruption from holding monthly periods, and a nice looking organic structure are great fringe benefits. But on a more serious degree, there are some reasonably compelling wellness advantages to suckling every bit good. Due to metabolic alterations influenced by endocrines, urinary path wellness is improved during lactation, so nursing mas suffer fewer vesica infections. Some adult females with chronic diseases discover they enjoy improved wellness during lactation. For case, insulin-dependant diabetics by and large require less insulin while suckling. Long-term wellness benefits may be even more compelling than the short-run advantages of suckling. Osteoporosis, or bone devolution, is a disease that impacts the wellness of many older adult females. While it is true that nursing female parents lose some bone mass during lactation, the loss seems to trip growing of new bone after the babe weans. This means that adult females who breastfeed continue to turn new bone mass long after their early 20 # 8217 ; s, the clip when bone growing otherwise ceases. Consequently, suckling adult females enter old age with newer, stronger bone shops, significantly cut downing their hazard of brickle bone disease. Breast malignant neoplastic disease is a complex disease. Scientists are still detecting the multiple factors that trigger this much-feared flagellum of adult females. What is known is that drawn-out breastfeeding is associated with a lower hazard of chest malignant neoplastic disease. Studies suggest even better protection when a adult female who breastfeeds was herself breastfed as an baby. So nursing our girls, and promoting our girls to nurse, may assist cut down their hazard of chest malignant neoplastic disease. The cost of raising kids keeps traveling up and up. It # 8217 ; s nice to cognize that household finances truly profit when ma decides to suckle. La Leche League, the international breastfeeding support organisation, one time calculated that a household could purchase a major contraption ( or two ) with the money spent on 12 months of expression. Many female parents use some of this nest eggs to engage house cleaning aid, to handle the household to a holiday, or to buy a gym rank for themselves. In more stressed families, these nest eggs don # 8217 ; t travel for extras, but may do a existent difference in assisting a household financially. Best for babe and now the find that breastfeeding is best for Mom. Sounds like a win-win state of affairs, particularly when you factor in the experiential component. Breastfeeding is genuinely one of life # 8217 ; s sweet pleasances!
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession Paper
Introduction In the past, people considered the axiom â€Å"Time is money†as a useless clichà © and believed in having all time in earth for meeting their goals in life. However, the current advancement in technology has proved it effective and true. For a person partaking certified public account (CPA) as a profession, the saying is more significant. CPA as a profession requires an individual to spend lots of time in formulating projects.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession Paper specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Failure for an individual to spend enough time in a project leads to alteration of the quality of the project. Technological elements such as accounting software and accounting application devices also play a significant role in the CPA (Smith, 2012). Such devices not only aid in managing time, but also saving money. This paper aims at providin g detailed information on the diverse technologies employed in the CPAs. Accounting technologies Effect of technology in accounting is not something new; it has been employed in calculating and trailing numbers for long. Its essence can be traced to the work of Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo designed â€Å"Codex Madrid†, a device used in identification of numbers. The invention of a calculator by Blaise Pascal and an adding machine by William Burroughs also justifies that accounting technology is not new. Continuous inventions also aid accountants greatly in managing their time and solving accounting problems amicably. The introduction of the first computer in the 20th century and its advancement for over 50 years also prove that technology enhanced success in accounting. Computers enabled individuals calculate and solve mathematical equations effectively. Advancement in technology also enabled the world of accounting advance from utilization of manual elements such as calculato rs and pencils to employment of electronic spreadsheets. Although California-based Intuit used brand Quicken software for so long, its implementation of QuickBooks software proved so effective (Smith, 2012). Since it launched QuickBook software, business persons with little information pertaining accounting have been succeeding in their businesses. Currently, there are many accounting software that meet the demands of diverse businesses in the world. A good example is Peachtree Complete Accounting for windows. Accounting software has aided CPAs significantly in not only saving time, but also money by granting accountants the opportunity of inputting data onto spreadsheets easily. It has also enhanced the transfer of information via network cables quickly and easily.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The utilization of technology in transfer of information eliminates the time spent in writing information and transporting documents from department to department (Smith, 2012). Mobile devices and cloud computing In addition to invention of accounting software, technological advancement also led to the introduction of mobile devices and cloud computing. Mobile devices aid accountants and business personnel in inputting and retrieving information from any place and at any time. Devices such as iPhone and Android Smartphone are also crucial in accounting. These devices enable accountants in accessing information that could aid in computations and calculations without accessing offices. For instance, it is evident that the utilization of Time Werks application via use of Task Timer stopwatch has benefitted CPA immensely. The application allows CPA not only to track information, but also to invoice and e-mail data quickly. Accounting calculators such as 10BIIC that costs approximately $6 have also been found effective in accessing stocks and conversions. Additio nally, 10BIIC also play a significant role in providing access to bonds and depreciation. The introduction of notebooks also enhanced the success of the CPA. Their current increase in market has been associated with the CPAs demand (Smith, 2012). There is also great possibility for the CPAs to gain access to other crucial data analysis tools such as XML and XBRL tags, and algorithms that will aid in analyzing organizations’ financial activities. Impact of technology to organization Advancement in technology plays a significant role in banking organization. It has made the process of tracking personal banking information very easy. Accounting software also enables a bank calculate taxes and bills for diverse businesses. Unlike in the past, most of the transactions in the bank are done electronically (Gup, 2003). Advancement in technology also contributed to the introduction of devices such as credit cards and automatic teller machines that aid in reducing time spent in carryin g out transactions in the bank. Computers also play a significant role in the bank; they aid in minimizing accounting errors.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession Paper specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion In conclusion, employment of technology in accounting started long time ago. It started with the invention of machines such as calculators, machines that identified numbers, and first computers. Technological software plays a significant role in enhancing success in accounting. It enables individuals carry out their activities such as projects easily and quickly. Accounting technology also plays a significant role in enhancing success in mathematical calculations. It enables individuals sum up figures much quickly compared to the use of abacus. The invention of mobile devices also enhanced the success of accounting. It enables individuals solve accounti ng problems without referring to their respective offices. It is also evident that advancement in technology will lead to emergence of data analysis tools such as XML and XBRL that will aid in analyzing organizations’ activities. References Gup, B. (2003). The Future of Banking. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group. Smith, T. (2012). CPA 2012 AUD: How to Pass the CPA Exams After Studying for Two Weeks Without Anxiety. New York: T.SMITH. This report on The Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession Paper was written and submitted by user Archer Wiley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Survey Of Wireless Computing Essays - Wireless Networking
Survey of Wireless Computing Survey of Wireless Computing School Of Computer Science Florida International University Abstract Wireless technology can provide many benefits to computing including faster response to queries, reduced time spent on paperwork, increased online time for users, just-in-time and real time control, tighter communications between clients and hosts. Wireless Computing is governed by two general forces: Technology, which provides a set of basic building blocks and User Applications, which determine a set of operations that must be carried out efficiently on demand. This paper summarizes technological changes that are underway and describes their impact on wireless computing development and implementation. It also describes the applications that influence the development and implementation of wireless computing and shows what current systems offer. 1 Introduction Wireless computing is the topic of much conversation today. The concept has been around for some time now but has been mainly utilizing communication protocols that exist for voice based communication. It is not intended to replace wired data communication but instead to be utilized in areas that it would be otherwise impossible to communicate using wires. Only recently has the industry been taking steps to formulate a standard that is more suitable to data transmission. Some the problems to be overcome are: (1) Data Integrity - relatively error free transmission, (2) Speed - as close as possible to the speed of current wired networks, (3) Protection - making sure that the data now airborne is encoded and cannot be tapped by unwelcome receivers, (4) Compatibility - ensuring that the many protocols that sure to be created subscribe to a standard to allow inter-operability, (5) Environmentally safe - strengths of electromagnetic radiation must be kept within normal levels. In our study of the theories and implementation concerns of wireless computing, we found that it is being treated in an object oriented fashion. Scientists and development crews, including the IEEE, are doing their best to implement wireless connectivity without changing the existing computer hardware. As a result, a lot of focus is on using existing computer hardware and software to convert data to a format compatible with the new hardware which will be added to the computer using ports or PCMCIA connections that already exist. This means that wireless communication will be transparent to the user if and when wireless computing is utilized on a wide scale. Wireless computing applications covers three broad areas of computing today. Replacement of normal wired LAN's need to retain the speed and reliability found in wired LAN's. Creation of semipermanent LAN's for quick and easy setup without the need for running wires. This would be necessary for events such as earthquakes. The last category is that of mobile computing. With advent of PCMCIA cards, notebook computers are being substituted for regular desktop machines with complete connectivity of the desktop machine. However, you lose the connectivity when out of the office unless you have a wireless means of communicating. On the compatibility issue, the ability to mix wireless brands on a single network is not likely to come soon. The IEEE Standards Committee is working on a wireless LAN standard -- 802.11, which is an extension of the Ethernet protocol. Because the field of wireless communication is so broad, the IEEE was not able to set a standard by the time private researchers were ready to test their theories hoping to set the standard for others to follow. 2 Methods There are a few methods of wireless communication being theorized and tested. (1) Radio: This is the method that makes use of standard radio waves in the 902 MHz to 928 MHz frequency range. Although these frequencies are well used, methods have been developed to ensure data integrity. Spread spectrum transmission of data is a method where the transmitter will send information simultaneously out over many frequencies in the range increasing the change that all data will eventually reach the receiver. Frequency hopping is an additional measure that also enables data security. The 26 MHz range of frequencies is further divided in to channels. The transmitter then sends out data hopping from one channel to the next in a certain pattern known to the receiver. Within each channel, spread spectrum transmission can be used
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Examples of Z-score Calculations
Examples of Z-score Calculations One type of problem that is typical in an introductory statistics course is to find the z-score for some value of a normally distributed variable. After providing the rationale for this, we will see several examples of performing this type of calculation. Reason for Z-scores There are an infinite number of normal distributions. There is a single standard normal distribution. The goal of calculating a z - score is to relate a particular normal distribution to the standard normal distribution. The standard normal distribution has been well-studied, and there are tables that provide areas underneath the curve, which we can then use for applications. Due to this universal use of the standard normal distribution, it becomes a worthwhile endeavor to standardize a normal variable. All that this z-score means is the number of standard deviations that we are away from the mean of our distribution. Formula The formula that we will use is as follows: z (x - ÃŽ ¼)/ ÃÆ' The description of each part of the formula is: x is the value of our variableÃŽ ¼ is the value of our population mean.ÃÆ'Â is the value of the population standard deviation.z is the z-score. Â Examples Now we will consider several examples that illustrate the use of the z-score formula. Suppose that we know about a population of a particular breed of cats having weights that are normally distributed. Furthermore, suppose we know that the mean of the distribution is 10 pounds and the standard deviation is 2 pounds. Consider the following questions: What is the z-score for 13 pounds?What is the z-score for 6 pounds?How many pounds corresponds to a z-score of 1.25? Â For the first question, we simply plug x 13 into our z-score formula. The result is: (13 – 10)/2 1.5 This means that 13 is one and a half standard deviations above the mean. The second question is similar. Simply plug x 6 into our formula. The result for this is: (6 – 10)/2 -2 The interpretation of this is that 6 is two standard deviations below the mean. For the last question, we now know our z -score. For this problem we plug z 1.25 into the formula and use algebra to solve for x: 1.25 (x – 10)/2 Multiply both sides by 2: 2.5 (x – 10) Add 10 to both sides: 12.5 x And so we see that 12.5 pounds corresponds to a z-score of 1.25.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ethics and Public Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Ethics and Public Administration - Essay Example Ethics are considered as accountability principles, which the public use to scrutinize government people s work in public sector. Government people s and public manager’s decision and code of conduct are directed by ethical principles that are public’s perception of the correct actions by public managers and government people. Therefore, to ensure effectiveness and transparency in their public work, government people subscribe to various ethics theories. Government ethics debates centers on the question of whether it is moral and ethical for government people to deceive the public to acquire and maintain their power. Whereas, people cringe at the legitimating mendacity though by government people s, people have the true Walzer’s admonition that â€Å"no government people can survive in politics without getting their hands dirty. The discussion will analyze the official deception defense as outlined by Machiavelli and Walzer, ethical theories that guide political behavior and code of conduct and finally outline why government people are justified to get their hands dirty. Discussion Any debate concerning ethics in public management is fraught with controversial issues such as the apolitical service culture, conflict of interest among others. Having public ethics and theories help to put distinction that ensure that government people s act based on set moral and ethical principle. Ethics also put an extra burden on government people s concerning their behavior conduct; therefore, government ethics strive to create an increasingly open atmosphere within the public operations, (Bowie, 2002, p. 52). Ethical issues that government people s experience are complex and dynamic and these issues are unique to public service that demands public managers to take choices concerning ethical issues on regular basic. Whereas people commonly believe that government people s are naturally challenged by telling the truth, very few citizens would like to conce de that government people are on certain occasions justified to get their hands dirty, (Oberdiek, 2006, p.55). However, there are compelling circumstances and ethics on special occasions that require government people s to lie not to jeopardize public interests. As early mentioned, public services is guided by ethical theories based on the nature of their public work, for instance, some political service and behavior support deontological ethics theory. Deontological theory is a duty or obligation grounded ethics, and deontologists assert that ethical rules bind government people s to their duty and they consider the right or wrong aspect of the action and not the effects of the action consequences, (Coady, 2006, p. 31). Deontologists are concerned with the government people s’ fidelity to principles and overlook the results or outcomes of a certain act, in their moral worth determination. Kantianism or the ethical theory of Kant is considered deontological because it mainly revolves around an individual’s obligations instead of their emotional feeling and end objectives – the center of this concept is the duty of a government people or what he should do in a certain situation. Kant’s ethical theory asserts that true ethical and moral acts are grounded on the highest sense of duty and the right and fair actions but not on the self-interest or highest utility on a broader aspect (irrespective of the possible effects for government people
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