Thursday, August 27, 2020
Attending Skills Essay Example for Free
Going to Skills Essay Bolton, in his book People Skills (1979), portrays going to as giving the entirety of your physical consideration regarding someone else. The way toward joining in, regardless of whether you understand it or not, considerably affects the nature of correspondence that goes on between two individuals. For instance, by going to you are stating to the next individual I am intersted in what you need to state, in any case, an absence of good going to imparts that I truly dont care about what you need to state. The body can be utilized as an apparatus to encourage great correspondence. This is done through situating the pieces of the body so they welcome and hold a relational connection. A casual readiness communicated by body act appears to be most appropriate for cultivating great correspondence. Bolton offers these recommendations to build up a stance of involvment: * Lean toward the speaker. This will convey vitality and mindfulness. * Face the other squarly (I. e. , your privilege sholuder to the speakers left). This imparts your involvment. It is particularly significant for you to situate yourself so you are at eye level with the speaker in the event that you are viewed as a position figure. This will circumnavigate sentiments of danger and can enormously help in shaping a relational relationship. * Maintaining an open stance is additionally significant for encouraging relational relatedness. A shut stance (I. e. , crossed arms as well as legs) regularly imparts briskness and protectiveness. * You additionally should know about your closeness to the speaker. We as a whole have an idea of individual space. At the point when those limits are crossed it puts the other on edge and causes them to feel awkward. Nonetheless, to much separation imparts lack of approachability and disconectedness. Body movement, its a clever thing! Have you at any point focused on what your hands were doing over the span of a discussion? A few of us essentially push them in our pockets or let them hang erratically by our sides. At that point there are others, similar to me, who will in general excursion them around as though to put an accentuation on each word! There is such an incredible concept as excessively little and to an extreme. Body movement is acceptable yet it tends to be over done on the off chance that you are not cautious. The reason for signaling when you are listening is to urge the speaker to keep talking. This should most effectively be possible with an occasional head gesture. A decent audience moves their body in light of the speaker. Powerful eye to eye connection says that you are outwardly receptive to what the speaker is stating. Great eye to eye connection includes concentrating on the speakers face and periodically moving the concentration to different pieces of the body. The key is that the other knows that they have your consideration in light of the fact that your eyes are on them. Great eye to eye connection ought to appear to be normal to the next individual. What ever you do, dont gaze them down. This causes you to appear to be on edge and some of the time disparaging of them. Nature where the correspondence happens is additionally a significant factor in whether a relational relationship can be framed. It isn't generally posible to move the discussion into a private room or office, however every endeavor ought to be made to decrease the quantity of interruptions that are available. In his book, The Skilled Helper (1998), Gerad Egan offers what he has labled the Micro Skills of Attending. The are extremely near the infomation I have introduced above from Boltons People Skills. He has built up the accompanying abbreviation to help directing understudies remeber these crucial abilities in correspondence. The audience has a particular obligation over the span of correspondence. That is to avoid the speakers path and to attempt to follow where the individual in question is driving. The objective of listening isn't reacting however understanding what is attempting to be conveyed. An entryway opener is a noncoercive inivitation to talk. Now and again entryway openers are not necessay to get the show on the road, however might be required later in the discussion if the speaker wouldn't appear to like to proceed. Entryway openers dont must be verbal prompts, a decent audience can likewise utilize their body to impart the sign I am intrigued, you have my consideration, if you don't mind disclose to me more. The four components of an entryway opener, as talked about, by Bolton are; (1) A discription of different people non-verbal communication (I. e. , you dont appear as though you are feeling admirably today. ) (2) A challenge to talk (3) Silence (to give the other individual chance to choo se if they need to talk and what they are going to state. ) (4) Attending (this inclueds the entirety of the going to aptitudes that are discused on the going to abilities page. ) What on earth are negligible energizes? In the endeavor to tail it is significant not to turn into a nonparticipant in the discussion. Negligible urges alludes to the sum the audience speakes and the measure of bearing the audience provides for the discussion, which ought to be practically nothing. In some cases consolation is required however the speaker needs to stay in charge of the discussion. The equivalent is valid for addressing as is for empowering. The issue isn't addressing itself however the way that a great many people don't do it well. A great many people pose shut inquiries that just require explicit and short answers, for example, yes and no. Try to pose open inquiries that are intended to prod the discussion on when it stalls out. This implies addressing will be generally inconsistent. At long last, mindful quietness is one of the most significant components in following the audience. We live in a culture in which quietness isn't happy. We regularly inturpert it as a signal that we have to hop in and state something. Actually, quietness is an open door for the speaker to think about what the individual in question has said and to assemble their contemplations before their next statment. What we state isn't as significant as giving the speaker the time the person needs to obviously impart their point. A significant part of listening is to help the listner explain their correspondence with the goal that they can get their importance over. To rehearse intelligent listening is to fill in as a mirror for the individual talking. One way that the speaker can do this is through summarizing. A summarization is a conscise reaction to the speaker that repeats the embodiment of the correspondence in the audience members own words. The reword manages realities or thoughts and not the feelings. In this regard it centers the substance of the speakers message. Another part of reflecting is the reflecting back of the speakers feelings as they make their statments. It is critical to tune into the speakers feelings. In the event that we, as audience members, miss the inclination content we have missed a significant piece of the speakers response and experience. Reflecting sentiments likewise offer the speaker a chance to assess how the individual in question is reacting to a difficult circumstance. Not exclusively should the audience reflect feeling, the person likewise needs to reflect meaning. Content + feeling = meaning. Sounds straightforward, doesnt it? Be that as it may, on the off chance that you get the emotions wrong or the substance off-base, at that point you cannot comprehend the speaker. Reflecting importance alows you to be certain you are getting what the speaker is stating. Reflecting inclination and substance are the infant steps to reflecting significance. Which means articulation can utilize the essential empathic equation; you feel _______ in light of the fact that _________ , or some minor departure from this formla. Sooner or later the recipe will disaper and a characteristic empathic reacting style will create. At last, there is the idea of sumative reflections. This intelligent reaction is intended to recap the significant subjects of the discussion and comes after an all-encompassing time of the discussion. Over the span of the discussion bits of futile data can acrue. The sumation can serve to assist the speaker with sorting through the litter and to develop an increasingly complete and reduced conceptualization of the issue being examined.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Why This University Essay Samples Will Help Your Writing Skills
Why This University Essay Samples Will Help Your Writing SkillsAre you wondering why this university essay samples will help your writing skills? If you are a college student, you will be shocked to find out that these samples can actually help you improve your grades and save time. Most students will complain about their lack of learning ability and say that they will just write in a standard way and never really learn how to write well. Well, that can not be further from the truth.A college student is so busy with all the work that he or she has to do that they don't have enough time to study. Hence, they end up not knowing how to write an essay properly. If you are a college student, you probably don't know what to do for writing, since you are not a very good writer yourself. I was also like this. I wrote so poorly that I didn't even get a C in a class.Needless to say, I was devastated and I blamed myself for having bad grades. Luckily, I knew a tutor at school who was able to co rrect my writing in a short amount of time. She taught me some tips on how to improve my writing and I am grateful for it.Some people think that writing is boring because it takes them so long to put their thoughts down on paper. However, the truth is that writing is actually the most enjoyable thing that you can do. Writing improves your confidence, helps you see the world in a different perspective, and can make you a more productive person.You can find a lot of tips for writing on the Internet and reading books written by professors, but you can also use university essay samples to write on. Since you already know how to write in your native language, then you can take these samples and apply them to your writing. You should always do this if you are trying to improve your writing skills.Another common mistake that people do is using too many words. You don't want to sound formal because that will make you look stupid, right? Students and college professors use too many words to form the essays, which makes it harder for them to understand. If you are a college student, then you should focus on creating simple sentences and paragraphs instead of using so many words.When I was a college student, I ended up wasting a lot of time just trying to figure out what I was supposed to write because I had so much difficulty in finding the right word to describe the subject matter. If you want to make it easier for yourself, then you should try using university essay samples.Once you start applying these tips to your writing, you will quickly notice how much better you will be at writing. This is the most important thing that you can learn, so make sure you practice it and implement it on a regular basis.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Nestle Australia Is Food And Drink Products Supplier Marketing Essay
Settle Australia Is Food And Drink Products Supplier Marketing Essay 1-Introduction Propelled in 1867, Nestle Australia Ltd is a provider of nourishment and drink items. It additionally gives a wide scope of dairy milk items, noodles in numerous flavors, chocolate, solidified dinners and espressos. Moreover, it gives an assortment of cold and hot beverages, light frozen yogurts and an assortment of candy parlor and pastry shop things. These days, Nestle Australia offers cooking administrations to bistros, cafés, inns and clubs. Different items that we will put a spot-on in this report are yogurts, natural product yogurts, and enhanced milk and yogurts. Nestlã ©s brands incorporate Kit Kat, Nescafe, Nestea, Ortega and Crunch. Settle gives additionally pets nourishments, for example, Purina. The organization propelled a joint endeavor with General Mills in excess of 80 nations. (One Source, 2009) History Toward the start Henri Nestle has created milk for babies who can't drink and to take care of from their moms, following five years this item was sold far and wide as a nourishment for infants and elderly folks individuals. In 1906, Australian market turned into the second biggest market for Nestle and was served by numerous individuals of retailers and deals specialists. The best accomplishment in Australian market was in 1934 by the innovation of new item MILO. (Settle, 2009) Nowadays, this item is sold in excess of 30 nations with deals of the greater part Billion Australian dollar. In 1999, Nestlã ©s head office in Sydney turned into the headquarter for Oceania area which incorporates Australia, New Zealand and Pacific islands. Standards and Values In the entire existence of Nestle (135 years), Nestlã ©s fundamental way to deal with business was the establishment and the support of long haul esteems for customers, investors, workers, society and network in general. Nestlã ©s significant chief is to keep up a drawn out business improvement and advancement. (Settle, 2009). Settles significant qualities are the accompanying: Long haul improvement Long haul connections Reconciliation and responding with various societies The recognizable proof that clients procure data about the organization other than the item that they purchased Moral qualities are fundamental prerequisites for our representatives and senior line chiefs These qualities and standards have been converted into in excess of forty dialects around the globe, and it is must that all Nestles troughs ought to perceive and apply these qualities in their profession lives, and these qualities are given via preparing to the new workers. Settle Australia Settle additionally is taking an interest in the Oceanias people group which is distinguished by its blend and assorted variety of monetary conditions, societies, accepts and tastes. We turned into a crucial part in the network in which we initiate as a business and as a provider to the neighborhood. Plus, we were the pioneers in numerous issues, for example, individuals wellbeing and natural security. As the biggest nourishment and refreshment organization on the planet, we accept that we have an obligation to clients and we are paying attention to this duty. We accept that individuals should live in a sound style by doing sports, we are supporting numerous games and we are continually promising individuals to get dynamic. Furthermore, through our concurrence with the Australian Institute of Sport, we are improving kids to get their insight and to get nourishment. Statement of purpose At the point when you read Nestles statement of purpose the accompanying words hop to your brain: Research, great nourishment, wellbeing and health. Our items bring to buyers the best tastes and joys. Research is the perfect work of art of Nestles legacy and a significant component for our companys future. We despite everything realize that there is some baffling data about wellbeing and health had not been found at this point, is the explanation that we are as yet scanning for answers to bring Good Food for Good life. (Research. Settle, 2009). Settle Worldwide Today, with in excess of 480 manufacturing plants and 265,000 representatives in 87 nations in everywhere throughout the world: Americas, Africa, Middle East, Europe and Australasia, Nestle is considered as the biggest nourishment and Beverage Company everywhere throughout the world. Settle Oceania in Australia, New Zealand and the pacific island is recruiting in excess of 5,500 representatives, with in excess of 20 industrial facilities and four dispersion places possessed and oversaw by the organization. Due to Nestlã ©s global notoriety, and in spite of the intense economic situations in Australia as well as around the world, and due to Nestlã ©s advantageous spot in Sydney and because of the high qualified representatives and the splendid companys technique, Nestle father been positioned number one among all nourishment providers in Australian market in 2008 (Nielsen Report, 2008). In 2008, for Ice-cream, yogurt and espressos, Nestlã ©s deals volume was more than AU$200m for every class. 5% Employees Turnover Rate In excess of 6,000 Brands and 10,000 Products In excess of 480 Factories in 87 Countries Over than 265,000 Employees Yearly Sales more than 103 A$ billion World Leading Food and Beverage Company Settle Figure1, Nestle Worldwide. Source: Nestle, Australia, 2009. 2-Situation Analysis 2.1-Internal Analysis Settle Australia is thinking about the market chief in nourishment and refreshment division in Australian market with by and large deals more than , engaged with in excess of 20 ventures, for example, Chocolates, yoghurts, dessert, milk, dairy abandons espresso , candy parlor and solidified suppers. Settle Australia has propelled more than one hundred brands; Coffee Mate, Nescafe, Uncle Tobys, Nesquik, Maggi, Drumstick, Quality Street and Peters are just instances of Nestlã ©s marks in Australian market. Alluding to Nielsons 2008 report, Nestle was positioning high among its rivals in frozen yogurt, milk and yogurt fields which could be an excellent marker for propelling our new item that we will talk about later in our showcasing plan. Alluding to the Retail Australias 2009 basic food item magazine we will locate the accompanying: For Chilled Diary classification, Nestle esteem share was about 14.2% in 2008 contrasting by 16.8% for the earlier year. For Dairy Desserts Category, Nestle esteem share was 25.2% contrasting by 25.3% for the earlier year For Chilled Diary classification, Nestle esteem share was about 14.2% in 2008 contrasting by 16.8% for the earlier year. For Yogurt classification, Nestle esteem share was 11.8% in 2008 looking at by 15.8% for the year above. For Drinking Yogurt, Nestle isn't associated with this market yet, just the accompanying organizations are in this market : Yakult, Jalna , Bulla and some other little organizations. As a general pattern, we could understand some declination for Nestlã ©s volume pattern in certain enterprises and classes. This decline was a characteristic effect of the tremendous effect of the worldwide money related emergency as we will depict in the following section .Due to this emergency, clients may get a few items rather than Nestlã ©s ones or they may in any event, lessening their buys for certain things. 2.2-Macro Environmental Analysis (PEST Analysis) Financial Following quite a while of prosper and high monetary development, The Australian economy endured a ton in 2008, because of the enormous impacts of the financial worldwide money related emergency. Australians GDP is declined; a decrease in work opening and a high pace of swelling, every one of these pointers could prompt an expanding in nourishment and drinks costs See figures 2 3 for Australias GDP and Unemployment Rate in 2007, 2008 and Jun 2009. (Gross domestic product development arrived at 2.7% in Jun 2008 contrasting by 4.3% in Jun 2007) Figure2 Australias Unemployment Rate-Source: ABS, 2009 Figure3: Australias GDP Growth rate-Source: ABS, 2009 Social In spite of the absence of certainty for Australian shoppers, Australia gets one of the most idealistic nations, as in 2008, Australia was positioning as one of the most sure nations everywhere throughout the world with a list score 104, 20 focuses higher than the world normal.. (Nielsen, 2008). For the most part Retail development in 2008, 2009 remains moderate, and buyers turned out to be all the more cautiously with their cash, they go through more cash for feasting at-home like purchasing nourishments and beverages from grocery stores and they go through less cash for out of home exercises like bistros, café and remove shops. In spite of the way that markets increased a decent offer with this new clients reasoning, all out staple deals have been declined in 2008. (Nielsen, 2008). The all out retail deals development arrived at 5.9% in august 2008 contrasting by 7.5% for that month in 2007. Looking at by 2007, the organizations, for example, bistros cafés and takeaway Nourishments, had recorded the biggest drop in turnover of 6.4%. One desire for these general stores is Aldi. Clients wanted to go to Aldi because of the great costs notwithstanding the great quality there. Aldi, with share arriving at over 22% , had removed numerous dollars from enormous chain general stores. Governmental issues This part shows lawful and political circumstance in Australia. It incorporates: Taxation for crude materials purchased abroad, work laws, natural guidelines, political soundness and rivalry guidelines. . As I would like to think, no different legislative issues would influence the starting of our new item because of the at present stable politic circumstance that Australia is confronting now, for example there is no war, no unrest or even no decisions are influencing Australia as of now Innovative Other than the advancement and utilization of new innovation, for example, the RFID (The Radio Frequency Identification) , the expansion in cost of crude materials and other gracefully chain expenses could influence the starting of our new item. 2.3 Micro Analysis The Market On the off chance that we take a general view on basic food item showcase a year ago. Alluding to the 2008 Nielsen report we will understand these significant after things: - A general declining pattern in basic food item advertise, with deals development 5.9% looking at by 7.5% as we referenced previously, which is a typical results because of the new circumstance; purchasers taking up some slack - .Drinks and sweet shop are just the two parts that have accomplished an increa
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation - 4960 Words
Content Introduction.........................................................................................2 *Literature Review.................................................................................*2 *Empirica*l case......................................................*................................*.*7* Google................................................................................................*.*.*.*7 *Discussion...........................................................................................*.*..9* *Conclusion Recommendation..........................................................*11†¦show more content†¦leadership, teams, performance management, managerial ethics, decision making and organisation change Steers, R.M Mowday, T.R Shapiro, D.L (2004) and this is the reason why this topic has attracted attentions from different authors and researchers in the past years. This has also led to the proposition of theories to support this managerial concept i.e. motivation. These theories are referred to as motivational theories. There are so many theories on motivation, each acting as a competitor to the other on attempt to best explain the nature of motivation. Within the vast number of theories, some are built on economic knowledge with a psychological understanding (Maslow, 1943) etc. Mullins, L.J suggests that all these theories are at least partially true and all help explain the behaviour of certain people at certain times but however, the search for a generalized theory on motivation at work appears to be in vain (Pg 414, 5th Ed). It is indeed because of the fact that there are no generalized or single solutions as to what motivates people or individual in organisation, that there are different theories on motivation. These theories are then divided into those concerned with identifying the needs toward which behaviour(s) is directed – content theory and those that are concerned with the dynamic, menta l processes that lead to individuals following certain goals rather than others –Show MoreRelated Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation Essay930 Words  | 4 PagesJob Satisfaction and Employee Motivation Abstract The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how motivation is instilled in the workplace with co-workers and oneself. In addition, objects that make the job satisfying will be discussed. Body Motivation is something that can come and go in an instant. The workplace often can be a fun and enjoyable place, but other times it can be the pit of hell. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana - 1475 Words
The war on drugs is a movement of prohibition and military aid being undertaken by the United States government intended to both define and reduce the illegal drug trade (Bullington). In the year 2010 the U.S. government spent $15 billion on the war on drugs, at a rate of $500 per second. State and local governments spent another $25 billion as well. In 2007, $42 billion was spent on the marijuana prohibition. That is more money than the war on drugs spent on all types of drugs three years before (Hardy). Why is our government focusing on a drug that can be called merely harmless to those who use it? Why is this drug getting more money spent on it than drugs that are highly addictive and life threatening? Marijuana is not as dangerous as†¦show more content†¦Several areas of the brain have high densities of these receptors, which helps explain the different effects of the drug†(Mathews). Physical effects include red eyes, dry mouth, increased heart rate, and loss of coordination. Beneficial effects for medical conditions such as cancer, AIDS, and multiple sclerosis include relief from pain and nausea, increased appetite, and reduced muscle spasms. Psychological effects, which are not apparent in ever user, may entail hallucinations, impaired judgment, and mood swings. One frightening effect is that marijuana has been linked to short-term memory loss, and although this drug does not cause physical addiction a psychological dependence can come about (Gale). Also, studies have shown that long-term effects of using marijuana include: increased rates of anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. Chronic use could also be a marker for other mental health issues (NIDA). Now that you know the basic facts of marijuana lets dive into some of the benefits and not so terrific effects of legalizing marijuana. Legalizing marijuana has both pros and cons, but which position should you take on this issue? You have the freedom to choose whatever position you would like to take, but before you do that listen to both sides of this argument first. So, why should one choose to be for legalizing marijuana? Well, there are plenty of reasons to support this position like the fact that this drug is considered notShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1631 Words  | 6 PagesMarijuana is a naturally grown plant that has beneficial properties and the ability to create textiles, paper products, and other goods. Marijuana is currently illegal in many states in the United States. The legalization of Marijuana will produce enormous tax revenue, reduce crime, give us a renewable resource, and give sick and suffering patients a new effective medicine. The legalization of Marijuana in the United States would both benefit the well-being of its citizens as well the economy. TheRead MoreThe Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1068 Words  | 5 PagesThe Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana In 2007, the American economy took a downturn known as the recession. People began looking for a quick fix to our nation’s economic problems and one fix may be right in front of us, with the legalization of marijuana. The debate about legalizing marijuana has been going on for the last decade with no end in sight. Politicians, economists, and everyday people cannot come to an agreement over this growing issue. Today economists still converse overRead MoreBenefits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay1374 Words  | 6 PagesBenefits of Legalizing Marijuana Every year, 400,000 Americans die of complications caused by tobacco products. Smoking kills more Americans each year than alcohol, crack, heroin, murder, suicide, car accidents, fires, and AIDS all put together. Every week, eight children under the age of eighteen die from alcohol related crashes. Alcohol abuse contributes to almost 50% of all traffic accidents, suicides, and homicides. However, despite the proven dangers of these socially acceptable drugsRead MoreEssay on The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1006 Words  | 5 PagesThe Topic of Legalizing Marijuana has been a very conversational argumentative issue in the American society; moreover in the American politics today. There are many good arguments on why Marijuana should be Legalize and my argument is based on facts and supporting details to prove why Marijuana should be legalize. The Legalization of Marijuana would be profitable to our government and economy, according to Evan Wood who is the founder of the Inte rnational Centre for Science in Drug Policy; The URead MoreThe Potential Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay1152 Words  | 5 Pages Legalizing marijuana is a concept that can potentially benefit the public as well as the local economies. There has been a nationwide debate on whether marijuana should be legalized or not. The major consensus is that marijuana is not only bad for one’s health, but it is also dangerous to the community. These allegations are not true. Marijuana actually has health benefits that most people overlook. It is important to understand the many issues of legalizing marijuana in order to better understandRead MoreEssay about The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1144 Words  | 5 Pages     Marijuana use is on the rise, especially among teenagers and young adults. With the recent laws passed in eight states, legalizing medical marijuana many stand divided when it comes to this never ending debate, but I firmly believe that this miracle working drug should be legalized throughout the United States. Marijuana is by far the most commonly used illegal drug. Statistics show that over 70 million Americans have tried Marijuana and more that 20 million smoked it last year. So it isRead MoreEssay about The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1494 Words  | 6 PagesLegalization of Marijuana Despite late controversy regarding weed or as most professionals call it now medical marijuana, I have a strong opinion regarding given substance. I think marijuana should be legal but Im going to discuss this matter more in my essay. Some topics I would like to discuss would be: should it be legal, is it beneficial for medical purposes, economy, job growth and reducing crime rates. Background Industrial Hemp Plant(â€Å"Hemp, Industrial Hemp field†) For most of humanRead MoreBenefits Of Legalizing Medical Marijuana1076 Words  | 5 Pagesof life incorporated cannabis of some form. Marijuana is a psychoactive drug made from the cannabis plant. It is sometimes used as a recreational drug by a few individuals, medical ailments and for spiritual purposes as well. The key element in marijuana is the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This psychoactive component is found in the leaves of the plant (Ethan B Russo, 2013). This essay will demonstrates the advantages of legalising medical marijuana such as treatment for pain relief, nauseaRead MoreEssay about Benefits and Drawbacks of Legalizing Marijuana1177 Words  | 5 Pageswith harder drugs as cocaine and heroin, marijuana, also named as cannabis or hemp, is considered as a soft drug with less addiction and harm. In the 19th century, it was one of the most important crops in the American continent to the common wealth (Newton, 2013, p.32), but it has been banned to grow in mos t countries since the 20th century (Newton, 2013, p.45). Given the clamour for â€Å"decriminalization†of the personal possession of small amounts of marijuana is growing (Single, 2013, p.456) and theRead More The Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1710 Words  | 7 PagesThe Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is the dried flower clusters and leaves of the hemp plant when taken to induce euphoria. Marijuana has been in existence for centuries even Magellan spoke of it during his trip to India. In his log he spoke of a plant that you smoked that made a man drunk without drinking. Marijuana would be beneficial if legalized because it would bring in extra money, it has medical uses, hemp is one of the best materials in the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Blakes cry for a voice Essay - 2035 Words
Blake’s cry for a voice nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;William Blake had a vision. It was a thought that changed the way poetry and writing would be viewed from here to eternity. Blake’s point of views and associations with the characters represents a change in the way the reader dictates who the victim is really and who is not. In Blake’s â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†from the Songs of Innocence and Experience, both aspects of heaven and hell can be examined just the same as a good versus evil aspect of the two different styles of the poem. One poem, two totally different views on manners, morals, customs, and what is right and wrong. To understand what William Blake was thinking and trying to say the reader†¦show more content†¦Highly critical poems on rationality, normality and societal parameters are not uncommon and a trademark of Blake’s later, far more bitter poetry. As a social commentator, a number of issues relevant at the time were the inspiration behind gloomy works such as â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†regarding industrialization and, from the Songs of Experience. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Blake was society’s unwillingness to accept and recognize new ideas and opportunities for change. Stating at one point that these reservations were â€Å"an enemy to social progression†. To be condemned in a society that is much Blake’s as well as anyone else’s is a torment that would be felt on all of his art. â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†from William Blake’s Songs of Innocence comprises â€Å"songs of happy cheer†about field and flower, hill and stream, and the innocence of child and lamb, as seen through the eyes of a child (World Book vol.2 pg 314). In one excerpt, â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper,†Blake, through religious symbolism, gives the image of an innocence child living a life of hardship and grief that gains comfort from the knowledge that God will deliver him to a better life in heaven. The image of this child â€Å"who cried when his head, that curled like a lamb’s back, was shaved†gives the impression of the sacrificial lamb, sacrificed into a life of hardship, poverty, and early death. The child dreams of an â€Å"AngelShow MoreRelated How Does William Blake convey his anger in the poem London ?1482 Words  | 6 PagesHow Does William Blake convey his anger in the poem London ? The poem London by William Blake, relfects his feelings upon the society that he was living in , and how despreratly it needed help. Blake thought that all of the poverty and misfortune that was happening on the streets were caused by the political opression in London. Blake was angered by what he saw in his homeland as other countries started fighting for their indipendence and equality whilst his country stayed dormant, eventhoughRead More The Songs of Experience - Explication of London Essay1043 Words  | 5 Pagesnbsp; William Blake published, in 1794, a collection of poems entitled The Songs of Experience. This collection works in collaboration with an earlier collection of the authors poems called The Songs of Innocence. The works of 1794 bring to the reader a more realistic or even pessimistic view of the authors native England, in comparison to the poems in The Songs of Innocence. One of the works in the more realistic collection is simply titled London. In this work Blake gives a conciseRead More Oppression and Spiritual Deterioration in William Blakes Poem London1154 Words  | 5 Pageseach charterd street, 1 Near where the charterd Thames does flow, 2 And mark in every face I meet, 3 Marks of weakness, marks of woe. 4 In every cry of every Man, 5 In every Infants cry of fear, 6 In every voice, in every ban, 7 The mind-forgd manacles I hear: 8 How the Chimney-sweepers cry 9 Every blackning Church appalls, 10 And the hapless Soldiers sigh, 11 Runs the blood down Palace walls. 12 But most thro midnight streets I hearRead MoreThe Portrayal of Industrialization in London by William Blake526 Words  | 3 Pages In â€Å"London†by William Blake the grunge, and domineering nature of a city engaged in a transformation of industry, is articulated through the setting. London of the poem, and the 1700s and 1800s, was griped by a sense of overwhelming entrapment in the mechanical comings and goings of industry. This massive shift is expressed through the stark nature of the setting, and the speaker’s awareness of a sense of confinement, and malaise in the face of great progress. Blake’s choices in the portrayalRead More Comparing William Blakes The Tyger and The Lamb Essay1246 Words  | 5 PagesComparing William Blakes â€Å"The Tyger†and â€Å"The Lamb†William Blake is referred to as many things, including poet, engraver, painter and mystic, but he is probably most famous for his poetry. Blake began writing the poems below in about 1790 whilst living in Lambeth, London. His poetry has a wide range of styles but his most famous poems are those from â€Å"Songs of Innocence†and Song of Experience†. The two sets of poems are designed to show different states or ways of seeing. They are BlakesRead MorePoetry Of Songs Of Innocence And The Little Black Boy Essay977 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"London†, â€Å"Holy Thursday†, â€Å"The Lamb†, â€Å"The Tyger†, â€Å"The Nurse’s Song†, and â€Å"The Little Black Boy†are all written by William Blake. His two main collection of his poetry are Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. â€Å"The Lamb†, â€Å"The Nurse’s Song†, and â€Å"The Little Black Boy†belong to the collection of Song of Innocence because of the theme of happiness. â€Å"The Tyger†, â€Å"London†, and â€Å"Holy Thursday†belong to the collection of Songs of Experience because of the theme of darkness. The collectionRead MoreA Comparison Between William Wordsworths Upon Westminster Bridge and William Blakes London1006 Words  | 5 PagesThese poets were William Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron, Percy Shelly and John Keats. Some aspects of Romantic poetry were; there was an increasing interest in nature; there was an increased interest in landscape and scenery; human moods were connected to the moods of nature. Although the six poets cohered to create the English Romantic movement they were all extremely different with different styles. Blake is described as an artistRead More William Blakes The Chimney Sweeper Essay672 Words  | 3 Pagesmeager existence that was socially acceptable at the time. Blake voices the evils of this acceptance through point of view, symbolism, and his startling irony.      Blake expresses his poem in first person, as a young chimney sweeper. This gives his poetic voice creditability because the subject of the poem is chimney sweepers. In addition, using first person creates a deeper sense of sympathy in the reader. This young boy, the poetic voice, lost his mother while â€Å"[he] was very young; (554). SoonRead MoreAnalysis Of William Blake s London1186 Words  | 5 Pagesexposing the oppression of the common people by a dominating government and elite class. Blake notices the inequalities of London and he describes the people he sees as sad, suffering, and stagnated by their environment. Blake uses strong imagery, repetition, and metaphor to present the archetype of the individual in juxtaposition to institution which seems to be the source of londoner’s oppression. Blake writes about what he saw and how he saw it within this poem. He presents a negative view ofRead More London, An Analysis Essay868 Words  | 4 Pages William Blake makes a pointed critique of the society and institutions of the English Government in his poem, London. Throughout the poem Blake presents an image of man against society. He directly accuses several institutions and society itself of creating the tyranny that is controlling the people of London. He alludes to the struggle of the classes, the upper-class controlling the lower, as being the reason for the problems in London. This conflict of classes is the reason for the oppression
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Absence of a Father free essay sample
Today, in America one out of every three children is living in a home without his or her father. That means that one out of three children in America will go to bed tonight without getting a goodnight hug and kiss from there daddy. It is estimated that 60 percent of children that were born in the 1990s will live a portion of their childhoods in a home without a father figure. Some people believe that there is no real significances to having a father be present in a child’s life. However, research and personal experience shows differently. When a father is absent in a child’s life, the child suffers emotionally, and behaviorally. Kids that grow up without a father figure are more likely to get involved with drugs, sexual encounters, and crime. It is important to stress that the absence of any parent places a void and a hole in a childs life forever. We will write a custom essay sample on The Absence of a Father or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As young children, the fact that there is not a father figure may be overlook, but as they grow older they will began to sense the fragmented family relationship. Most often children will be able to feel the incompleteness of not having a father, which in an effort to fill the emptiness, children often try to fill this void with drugs. The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services states, Fatherless children are at a dramatically greater risk of drug and alcohol abuse. When a child uses drugs to fill the emptiness, it can be the start of a spiral to the tragedy of a horrible childhood. Although some children do not get involved with drugs, in order to fill the void of emptiness a child may do other harmful activities such as joining gangs or even attempting suicide. I have came to find it very clear that children growing up without a father figure tend to have an overall increased risk of developing significant issues. However, by no means am I saying that all children who grow up without fathers will face problems. Some children will do just fine. But, research has shown that fatherless children face more life troubles than those who grow up with both a mom and a dad. One very common obstacle that especially young females without father run into is teen pregnancy and not understanding safe sex. Major studies have been shown that young females between the ages of 15 and 19 years old are significantly more likely to engage in premarital sex than young females in homes with both a mother and a father. Not only have studies shown that young females are having sex, but a fair amount are getting pregnant. On the other hand, in some people opinion there is not thing wrong with having premarital sex, but studies have shown that by not having a father figure a higher percentage of both girls and boys do not know the importance of safe sex. Most single mothers are very busy working and do not have the time to sit down with their son and or daughter and have the â€Å"sex talk†with them. Therefor kids are not getting the right amount of education about safe sex, which is resulting in more teen pregnancy. Along with studies showing that fatherless children are more likely to get involved with drugs and unsafe sex, statistics show that children without a father are 20 times more likely to commit crime and even serve time in jail. In my opinion the reason for this is simple. A father is supposed to be a man in a child’s life that they look up to, but also fear at the same time. For example if a child was watching TV and was asked to take out they trash by their mother the child’s response would most likely be â€Å"ugh okay fine mom I’ll do it on the commercial†. Now if a child was asked the same thing by their father, the response would most likely sound more like â€Å"okay, yes dad I’m coming right now! †. In a household with both parental units present the father, 90 percent of the time is the dominant one who keeps thing in order and he is always to be listened to. When father is absent from a child’s life most of the time there is no control and the child seems to think that they may do anything they would like, therefore leading them right down a path of crime. Ultimately when a father is absent in a child’s life, the child suffers emotionally, and behaviorally. Kids that grow up without a father figure are more likely to get involved with drugs, sexual encounters, and crime. It is not the case that all fatherless children will have these problems. However, It is important to stress that the absence of any parent places a void and a hole in a childs life forever.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Pre-Colonial Literature free essay sample
Even before the Spaniards came to colonize our country, the natives in our land already had a civilization of their own. This is in contrast to what some early Spanish colonizers claim that the Philippines, before they came here, did not have a culture of its own and was barbaric. Even during the modern times, some people claim that natives of the early Philippines had a culture which is inferior to theirs. But although our histories were full of depreciations from other cultures, the way of life even before the coming of colonizers was already flourishing. That is enough reason to defend the fact that our culture is never inferior to anyone’s. Pre-colonial Filipinos, for instance, had a system of writing before the coming of the Spaniards called Baybayin. This goes to show that even before the time of Christ our ancient people were abreast with the style of the world’s writing. We will write a custom essay sample on Pre-Colonial Literature or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although the natives did not have the knowledge of the Roman alphabet, which was what the first colonizers used, it did not make them illiterate as some may think. With the existence of written language also comes literature as a natural consequence. Pre-colonial literature abounds in the form of sabi (maxims), bugtong (riddles), epics, and myths. The early Filipinos also had a form of government called Barangay, headed by a Datu or Sultan (among the Moros). Social classes exist but social mobility was possible. Also, the early Filipinos followed and obeyed rules, as evident in the ancient body of laws: Code of Kalantiao and Code of Maragtas, which is also called Code of Sumakwel. Therefore, even before colonizers came, our ancient people already had an organized community or settlement. Our country has known godliness since time immemorial. Our ancestors turned to religion for hope and encouragement, proving religion was the backbone and outstanding power of the world and brought change to the human conduct in moral, social and business life. It is said that the apprehension or conviction of the existence of a Supreme Being or a supernatural power or influence controls a person’s humanity. The pre-Spanish Filipinos believed in a Supreme Being they called Bathala and worshipped minor deities whose functions were closely related to the daily life of the people. Based on the way of life of our ancestors, one can make several observations. 1. Our ancestors already had concepts or ideas which are not far from those of other countries. Early Filipinos had concepts of people, places, statuses, or events similar with that of other culture although some of these countries did not colonize us. The natives of the Philippines were considered by the Spaniards as indigenous people possessing epic poems in the style of Iliad and the Grecian Ode, which sang glories of its people and the memorable deeds of their heroes. These epics include, but are not limited to, Biag ni Lam-ang of the Ilocanos, Tuwaang of the Manuvus in Central Mindanao, Hinilawod of the Sulod of Panay, Hudhud and Alim of the Ifugaos, Handiong of the Bikolanos and the Bantugan of the Maranaws. The Alim tells the story of gods who resembled the Indian gods in the epic of Ramayana. Our ancestors also had a concept of hierarchy as seen in their myths. The story of The Great Flood by the Tinggians mentioned guards and palace. The concept of beauty of our ancestors is also evident in their literary works. An example is the description of the Maiden of Monawon in the epic Tuwaang: But she was much fairer Than the eye of the rising sun For it can be darkened And hence be dimmed For it can be covered Even by a little cloud Over the horizon. Generally, those women who were considered beautiful by our ancestors had black hair which reached down to the waist, had fair skin and had shapely legs. However, our ancestors did not only look at the physical aspect as they also considered beautiful those who are skilled in crafts. A Story of the Orphan Girl mentioned how our ancestors defined beauty based on skills. †¦for she was very beautiful, with straight eyebrows, and very skillful in all womanly arts, such as weaving†¦ Myths and legends also bore traces of Hindi and Hindu influences. For example, the history of the deluge of Northern Luzon and the legend of the Manubo Ango in Agusan contained some parallelism with biblical history of ot and the Hindu myths of Ahalya in Ramayan. Our ancestors had a way of explaining phenomena Our ancestors used literature as a way of explaining natural phenomena, past events, and contemporary beliefs. This is to make the environment less fearsome by making it more comprehensible and, in more instances, to make idle hours less tedious by filling them with humor and fantasy. For instance, the Maranaw legend How the Angels Built Lake Lanao explains how the said lake is formed. The ancient Visayans’ mythology created a world they called Bambu. Other manifestations of this observations include the Panay-Visayan myth of Tungkung Langit and Alunsina which tells the story behind the rain and thunder as well as the Second Creation of the Tirurays which relates how the calls of the forest doves named lemugens give the farmers much needed agricultural omen. 3. The early Filipinos gave importance to values and beliefs. The literature of the natives recorded written traditions about wisdom which are beneficial to human life. The early Filipinos valued their beliefs so much that they take efforts to pass them from generation to generation through different forms of oral and written literature. These can be seen in several proverbs and short poems. These forms of literature make use of different early Filipino values such as patience, humility, wit, contentment, resilience, courage, sociability or pakikisama, and friendship. For instance, the proverb, ‘Ang kata-katayak sukat makapagkati ng dagat (Tiny drops of water continuously draining, enough to dry up the sea)’, stresses the Filipino value of patience. These simplest forms of literature, which contain talinhaga (analogue, metaphor or figure) give us a clear picture of the oral literature in a culture. This, in turn, give us an idea of the general and shared conceptions of what is good, right, appropriate, worthwhile, and important with regard to modes of conduct and states of existence in a given community. 4. The pre-colonial natives were observant of their surroundings. The early Filipinos were critical-thinkers as they sensed what was happening around them and incorporated these observations into their ulture, especially in literature. Bugtongs (riddles) were usually about anything that can be found in nature. Riddles such as ‘Kapag hiniwa mo, naghihilom nang walang pilat (tubig)’ from the Aetas, ‘Batang Magindanaw, abot hanggang Saysay ang kanyang palahaw (agung)’ from the Bagobos, ‘Sa hita ni Iggat lahat ay kumakaskas (pulot-pukyutan)’ from the Isnegs, ‘Malaking bahay, libot ng durungawan (lambat)’ from the Tagbanwas and ‘Sinturon ni Apu, walang pwedeng humiram (sawa)’ of the Subanons all have answers which can be found in the surroundings of the natives. This is because material culture cannot be separated from the non-material culture. They become essential to a culture’s functioning because without them, people could not carry on the necessary activities of daily life. But more than that, they are expressions of the culture that produces them. Material aspects of culture carry with them non-material aspects such as the value and belief regarding or associated with that object or element. 5. Our ancient people used different aspects of culture as a way of self-expression. Our ancestors used art, literature, dance, and music as ways of expression. More than just preserving and inculcating their way of living in a certain field of the arts, the natives used different media in self-expression. In the field of art, expression can be seen in their tools and weapons, potteries, beads, amulets, and bracelets. They give us a clear picture of how the early Filipinos vented out their emotions. Tattoos and clothing are also forms of art. More than being a symbol of social class, they are also a reflection of the personality of the wearer. Furthermore, Filipinos are considered born musicians. Most of them played one or two musical instruments. Perhaps, these instruments served as an outlet in showing the emotions of the natives. Poems of love, grief, adventures, and celebration of bountiful harvests were sung to the accompaniment of musical instruments. Dances, which are rhythmic movements in tune to music, also expressed their way of living. Thus, the ancient Filipinos from all regions had different dances and songs for all occasions. Lastly, in the field of literature, both oral and written works contain the portrayal of the pre-colonial Filipinos’ feelings, both favorable and otherwise. Human passion is evident in different short poems. For instance, the Lamge of the Bilaans show how they are enthusiastic with working even though they are already tired. The Dangdang-ay, on the other hand, expresses unfading love of the author for a person. The Dumheb ako a Dumas by the Ivatans relate about the personal problem of the author which concerns beauty. Ancient Filipinos had many outlets to express their emotions and feelings. They did not limit themselves to only one form of cultural manifestation; rather, they had many ways to reflect their personalities. In conclusion, the pre-colonial natives of the country already had concepts or ideas which are not far from those of other countries had a way of explaining phenomena, gave importance to values and beliefs, were observant of their surroundings, and used different aspects of culture as a way of self-expression. These observations are evident in artifacts, especially in literary proofs and this only shows that even before colonizers set foot on our land, our ancestors already had patterns of behavior and its products embodied in thought, speech, action and objects.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Typical Course of Study for 10th Graders
Typical Course of Study for 10th Graders By 10th grade, most students have acclimated to life as a high school student. That means they should be primarily independent learners with good time management skills and a sense of personal responsibility for completing their assignments. The goal of high school coursework for 10th-grade students is to prepare them for life after high school, either as a college student or a member of the workforce. Coursework should also ensure that students are equipped to perform at their best for college entrance exams if secondary education is their goal. Language Arts Most colleges expect a high school graduate to have completed four years of language arts. A typical course of study for 10th-grade language arts will include literature, composition, grammar, and vocabulary. Students will continue to apply the techniques theyve learned from analyzing texts. Tenth-grade literature will likely include American, British, or world literature. The choice may be determined by the homeschool curriculum a student is using. Some families may also choose to incorporate the literature component with social studies. So a student studying world history in 10th grade would choose titles associated with world or British literature. A student studying U.S. history would choose American literature titles. Students may also analyze short stories, poems, dramas, and myths. Greek and Roman mythology are popular topics for 10th-graders. Continue to provide students with a variety of writing practice across all subject areas, including science, history, and social studies. Math Most colleges expect four years of high school math credit. A typical course of study for 10th-grade math will have students completing geometry or Algebra II to fulfill their math credit for the year. Students who completed prealgebra in ninth grade will usually take Algebra I in 10th, while students who are strong in math may take an advanced algebra course, trigonometry, or precalculus. For teens who are weak in math or who have special needs, courses such as basic mathematics or consumer or business math can fulfill math credit requirements. 10th Grade Science Options If your student is college-bound, he will likely need three lab science credits. Common 10th-grade science courses include biology, physics, or chemistry. Most students complete chemistry after successfully completing Algebra II. Interest-led science courses may include astronomy, marine biology, zoology, geology, or anatomy and physiology. Other common topics for 10th-grade science include the characteristics of life, classification, simple organisms (algae, bacteria, and fungi), vertebrates and invertebrates, mammals and birds, photosynthesis, cells, protein synthesis, DNA-RNA, reproduction and growth, and nutrition and digestion. Social Studies Many 10th-grade college-bound students will study United States history during their sophomore year. World history is another option. Homeschool students following a traditional curriculum will explore the Middle Ages. Other alternatives include a U.S. civics and economics course, psychology, world geography, or sociology. Specialized history studies based on a students interests are usually acceptable as well, such as a focus on World War II, European history, or modern wars. A typical course of study may also include prehistoric peoples and the earliest civilizations, ancient civilizations (such as Greece, India, China, or Africa), the Islamic world, the Renaissance, the rise and fall of monarchies, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution. Modern history studies should include science and industry, the world wars, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the rise and fall of Communism, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and world interdependence. Electives Electives can include topics such as art, technology, and foreign language, but students can earn elective credit for almost any area of interest. Most 10th graders will begin the study of a foreign language since it is common for colleges to require two years credit for the same language. French and Spanish are standard choices, but almost any language can count toward the two credits. Some colleges even accept American Sign Language. Drivers education is another excellent option for a high school sophomore since most are 15 or 16 years old and ready to begin driving. The requirements for a drivers education course may vary by state. A defensive driving course can be helpful and may result in an insurance discount.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Consumer Law - University Level 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Consumer Law - University Level 3 - Essay Example Even though it extends the two-stage chain of remedies in Art.3 of the Consumer Rights Directive, this Article is an absolute revision of the former provision. The pressing consequence is that the new proviso is possibly less composite and thus easier to read; but the benefit is simply outbalanced by the substantial alterations made to the remedies. Many of these remedies are or may be detriment to the consumers. Actually, it is in the background of the remedies where user protection would be trimmed back under the proposed Consumer Rights Directive full harmonisation scheme. Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 the purchasers’ right to a refund is restricted by Section 11 (4). This section states that the right to reject the goods by the purchaser depends on his acceptance of the goods. But as soon as acceptance takes place then the contract is complete and this will reduce the buyer’s right to a lesser claim of damages. Once acceptance has taken place, the buyer’s contractual claim is reduced to breach of warranty affording the buyer the lesser claim of damages. These are assessed as the difference in the value of the goods at the time of delivery and the value they would have had if they had conformed to the contract. In practice, these will usually amount to the cost of repairs. Claims for consequential losses are also allowed in accordance with the principles of the general law of contract. The meaning of acceptance is given under SS 34 and 35 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979. Section 34 calls for the vendor, on petition, to provide the buyer a reasonable chance to inspect the goods. Section 35 lays down the rules for acceptance which can be completed in three ways: With regard to consumer transactions, the third kind, that is acceptance after the lapse of a reasonable time, is a very common type of acceptance. The query of what is a reasonable time is a problem of fact. Conversely, a
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Identification & Exploration of designated dimensions and impacts of Essay
Identification & Exploration of designated dimensions and impacts of the Millennium Centre, Cardiff, UK - Essay Example le region cannot be denied as the number of visitors has significantly increased due to the events (athletic, cultural, educational, artistic) that are organized in the Centre on a daily basis. Current paper examines the effects of the Centre’s creation on the socio-cultural, political and economic environment. The effects on the natural environment are also being examined in order to formulate a more complete assumption regarding the role of the Centre in the whole Wales region and the specific gains for the local society. Cardiff is one of Europes youngest capital cities but the history of the city dates back over 2000 years to Roman times. Today Cardiff is a vibrant, multi-cultural centre for education, business, sport and the arts. There has been extensive redevelopment in Cardiff over the past two decades but the city has managed to retain much of its style and architecture. The city is lively, confident and cosmopolitan with a good quality of life and a distinctive character. Located in the east of Wales, Cardiff is a very accessible city and has good road, rail and air links. The town is only 2 hours travel from London using the hourly high-speed train service [1]. The location of the town is being offered for the deduction of commerce and other financial activities as well as for the enhancement of the cultural level of the whole region as it can be considered as the most accessible town of the region. As a result any interested individual can access a specific cultural event easily, a fact tha t has led to the increase of the athletic, educational and all cultural activities in town mostly the last years. More specifically, the population of the town is around 300,000, which grows by 100,000 on "Big Event" occasions. For this reason the local accommodation offered to visitors has been located around the important cultural centres of the town which are the following: the Millenium Stadium (Rugby, Football, Speedway & Concerts), Sophia Gardens (Cricket),
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Two Kinds Essay Example for Free
Two Kinds Essay She is a mother who got a second chance at having a family and is very controlling thinking she is doing what is best or her child. The narrator which is the daughter; she starts off as a normal child in the story, but the conflict between her and her mother causes her to be resentful and a underachiever. There is the father who does not say anything in the story but seems to agree with the mother. There is the Aunt Lindo that is really her mothers friend who seems to brag about her child Waverly; a character in the story who seems quite spoiled. And the piano teacher Mr. Chong who the daughter likes to refer to as â€Å"Old Chong†. He is a deaf piano teacher that has no idea that the daughter is not playing the right tunes. The mother who is very strict on her daughter, she did not think she was pushing the daughter to far. The mother felt the daughter was not trying hard enough, which she showed she was very disappointed. The mother went as far as insulting the daughter and blaming her or the way she looked. In the beginning of the story the was very excited to become a prodigy. She tried real hard to get it right and please her parents. The daughter tried real hard to find out what she was perfect at. That was until the daughter no longer felt like she would ever be perfect. She spent so much time believing that she was perfect and wanting to please her parents every time she could not do something right she knew how much her mother would be disappointed and she also disappointed herself as well. The daughters whole life revolved around her being a perfect little girl. The mother just new that there was something her daughter could master. The little girl started to doubt herself, but the mother tried everything she heard or seen these little prodigy kids in America do. The Mother started to get angry because she felt her daughter was not trying hard enough. The little girl started to believe that she was just an ordinary little girl, but knew that was not except-able to her mother. Her mother spent years comparing her daughter to these other children. She was trying to find her daughters hidden talent. The mother felt her daughter could do anything she put her mind to. I think the mother felt her daughter had chances that she never had in China and did not want her to ruin her opportunity. The daughter did not understand this she just wanted to be a normal little girl and have fun. The little girl was over trying to be perfect, but the mother was not ready to give up. The mother kept on trying to show her daughter how these other kids can do these things, and that she should be able to do them as well. The mother showed her disappointment time and time again, not knowing that she was making her daughter feel self-conscious and resentful towards her. The daughter new she was never going to be perfect, and being herself would never be good enough for her mother. The little girl started to feel anger towards her parents and wanted to rebel against them. The little girl feeling so much anger with her mother would purposely fail everything her mother wanted her to do. The little girl was hoping if she disappointed her mother enough she would give up on her the way the little girl gave up on herself. The mother refusing to give up felt she new her daughter would be great at something if her daughter would just put her mind to it she could do anything. So the mother just pushed harder not knowing she was pushing her daughter away from her and away from her dreams or her. The mother was so determined even know they could not afford lessons the mother made arrangements to trade work for piano lessons. I think the mother felt that at this point the daughter would see how hard she was willing to work for her and maybe appreciate it and work harder. The little girl felt differently she was angry towards her mother and felt as if her mother did not except her for who she was and she wanted to get back at her. The daughter practiced every day with Mr. Chong not even trying her mind wondering in other places. Mr. Chong was a deaf man who could only see her hand movements, so that is how he taught her. The girl caught on fast that Mr. Chong eyes could not keep up with her hands so she used it to her advantage not to learn. Mr. Chong so proud thinking she was listening to him he was very excited because she learned how to fake him out. The mother bragged about her daughter playing the piano everyday to her friend, although the mother never herd her play until the recital. The mother wanted so bad to see her child in front of the room making her proud like all of the other mothers before her, but when the little girl went up on stage the mother didnt know that she had been just wasting her time. The little girl even had her self fooled she for a second thought maybe she could play, well maybe if Mr. Chong thought she could play maybe it was true. As she played she seen the embarrassment on her parents face; the only one who seemed to enjoy her performance was Mr. Chong. The parents wanted to run out of the room, but know their pride could never allow them to do that they stayed until the end. The little girl wanted to show her mother that she was not what she wanted her to be, but was shocked and just wish her mother would say something. When they returned home the daughter taught the mother would give up on her; she thought she knew for sure that her daughter had no talent. The little girl sat down to watch TV which angered the mother. The mother did not give up she wanted her to practice. The daughter seen how angry the mother was and was scared, so the daughter not giving up the fight hit the mother where it hurt the most. The little girl told her mother she wishes she were not alive knowing how bad that ould hurt her. The little girl won the battle against her mother; the mother gave up all hope. I think the mother felt a piece of her self die that day knowing her daughter would hurt her so bad. I think the mother knew she was loosing the daughter. I think there was a lot of misscommunication between the mother and the daughter which is very realistic in real life. It makes you wounder how Amy Tan got where she is today. The mother wanted to start over and give her child the perfect life and the daughter just thought her mother just wanted her to be a perfect child. In the end it was very ironic because they both lost the battle against each other. They did not have a good relationship because they couldnt make scene of their differences. The mother pushed her child away from her and any talent she may have had. The child chose to not even finish college. I think the child forgave her mother when it was to late and the mother never found the words to say to her daughter until the end the stubborn lady still went back to the piano,and the child finally learned how to respect and listen to what her mother had to tell her about her talent. â€Å"Two Kinds†(Tan 1952, p. 524)
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Economic Analysis of The U.S. 2001-2003 Essay -- essays research paper
Economic Analysis of The U.S. 2001-2003      Economics have many indicators to describe how it runs. The indicators can show if the economy has improved or declined. The economic indicators that will be focused on in this analysis of the United States economy from 2001 – 2003 will be the consumer price index, the imports and exports, the unemployment rate, and finally the gross domestic product. Now while most may know the meanings of the previously stated indicators, for those who don’t, they remain useless unless defined. To begin with, these indicators will have to be defined in full to aid in understanding the analysis in more detail. It will be after that that the actual analysis of the economy of the United States from 2001 – 2003 will begin.      The first indicator to be discussed will be the consumer price index. The consumer price index can be described as â€Å"a price index that measures the cost of a fixed basket of goods chosen to represent the consumption pattern of individuals†. This is mainly used by the government and private sector to measure the changes of the prices that consumers deal with . Also the reference to basket refers to a collection of items representing a purchasing pattern of a typical consumer. The consumer price index has many components itself such as medical, transportation, household services, rent, durables, non-durables, apparels, food and beverage, and other services . This is relevant to show how much prices have increased from a base year .      Imports and exports weigh heavily on how well an economy could be. Imports are defined as â€Å"a good produced in a foreign country and purchased by residents of the â€Å"home†country†. For example an import would be as if in the United States were to get some kind of certain product from another country. Exports are defined as â€Å"a good produced in the â€Å"home†country and sold in another country†. An example of this is if the United States were to sell a product to another country. Ideally speaking, imports should be less then total exports. If the total exports are more then the total imports, that means more money is being received in the homeland, if there is more importing than exporting, that means that the country will be not be gaining from the exports. The United States has a poor import to export rati... ...r will again be on the up and up, with a 3.3% in gross domestic product, showing that 2003 was going to be a positive year . The third quarter was at an astounding 8.2% showing a massive increase from the previous quarters . 2003 would be a year of higher production; in fact it was the highest producing year of the three analyzed.      In conclusion, looking at these indicators, there has been am explanation of home the economy was in the years 2001-2003 in the United States. Discussed were the consumer price index, the imports and exports, the unemployment rate, and finally the gross domestic product. By seeing how these all went it will be open for people to take the given data analyzed in this paper and come up with their own interpretation of the data. This is an analysis of the United States economy for the years 2001-2003.      Works Cited 1. 2. 3. 4.O’Sullivan, Arthur and Sheffrin, Steven M. Economics Principles and Tools. Third Edition. Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle, New Jersey. 2003.
Monday, January 13, 2020
TABLE OF CONTENTS1. PURPOSE22. SCOPE23. REFERENCES24. TERMS, DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS35. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY36. RECORD & DATA KEEPING37. DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORY38. ASSET MANAGEMENT DEFINITION49. STAKEHOLDERS410. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS411. ASSET MANAGEMENT QUALITY FRAMEWORK512. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES513. ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROCESS1014. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT1115. ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS1116.CONCLUSION18| LIST OF FIGURES Figure 21: Scope of Asset Management Framework (PAS55)2 Figure 121: Rand Water Supply and Purification Systems6 Figure 122: Asset Management Plans7 Figure 123: Asset Management Planning and Management Structure8 Figure 124: Organogram9 Figure 151: Asset Management System Components12 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for the adoption and implementation of asset management for Rand Water’s physical asset portfolio. 2. SCOPEThis framework applies to physi cal assets associated with production infrastructure under the jurisdiction of Rand Water. Assets consist of buildings and property, pipelines, civil structures, mechanical equipment, electrical equipment water treatment process plants, and automation equipment. It excludes human assets, financial assets, information assets, intangible assets, and movable equipment. Figure 21: Scope of Asset Management Framework (PAS55) 3. REFERENCES The following documents must be read in conjunction with this Framework. Document Title| Document No. Location| Quality Management System Requirements| ISO 9001:2000 | RW Library| Environmental Management System Requirements| ISO14001:2004| RW Library| Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations| OHS Act (85 of 1993)| RW Library| Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series| OHSAS 18001:2007| RW Library| International Infrastructure Management Manual – South Africa Edition 2006 | ISBN No:0-473-10685-X| RW Library| Asset Management Part 1: Specification for the optimized management of Assets| BSI PAS 55-1:2008| RW Library| Asset Management Part 2: Guidelines for the application of PAS 55-1| BSI PAS 55-2:2008| RW Library| Rand Water – Strategic Asset Management Process Guides – Know Your Assets| RW SAM 60001 BPM SIS| RW Library| 4. TERMS, DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS These are terms used in the organization & are unique to the company terminology, business and culture. AMAsset ManagementAMFAsset Management Framework AMPAsset Management Plan KPIKey Performance Indicators O&MOperations and Maintenance R&DResearch and Development RWRand Water SAMStrategic Asset Management 5. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY The Chief Executive is accountable and Portfolio Heads are responsible for the implementation of Asset Management in RW. The General Manager: Strategic Asset Management is responsible for the implementation of Strategic Asset Management with regards to production infrastructure under the jurisdiction of Ra nd Water. 6. RECORD & DATA KEEPING Record Document| Form/Doc Number| Location | Retention Period| | | | | | | | | 7. DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORYThe following table contains the history of this document with a description of each revision. Date| Previous revision number| New revision number| Description of each revision| 23 Sep 2010| N/A| 0| First draft| 17 Nov 2010| 0| A| Second draft| 10 Dec 2010| a| B| Third draft| 17 Feb 2011| b| C| Fourth draft| 9 Mar 2011| c| D| Fifth draft| 8. ASSET MANAGEMENT DEFINITION The following definition for asset management is adopted, based on PAS 55: Asset Management is the systematic and coordinated activities and practices through which Rand Water optimally manages its assets, their associated performance, risks and expenditures over their lifecycle for the purpose of achieving its organizational strategic plan. 9. STAKEHOLDERSThe following stakeholders are relevant to asset management: * Customers who purchase water from Rand Water; * Suppliers and s ervice providers; * Government; * Standards authorities; and * Auditor General of South Africa. 10. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS The following legislation and regulation are relevant: Annual Financial Statements are required to be prepared in compliance with the South African Statements of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (SA GAAP), the Water Services Act No 108 of 1997, Companies Act No 61 of 1973, and the Public Finance Management Act No 1 of 1999 as amended. The Constitution (and its amendments) secures the right of every Citizen to sufficient water;The Water Act ensures that everyone has access to water, water resources are conserved, protected and managed, proper water resource planning takes place, the costs of managing and developing the resource is addressed and that water resource institutions are established. The Water Services Act defines the rights to basic water supply, the setting of national standards and norms, water services planning, regulation of water services, e stablishment of water boards, the monitoring of water service provision and the promotion of effective water resource management and conservation. The Water Services Act is supported by the Strategic Framework for Water Services which sets out an implementation framework for the Act and gives effect to the regulation of water services delivery.The principle objectives of the PFMA are to secure transparency, accountability, and sound management of the revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities of the institutions to which this Act applies. In terms of this Act, from an asset management perspective Rand Water is: * responsible for the effective, efficient, economical and transparent use of the resources of the department, trading entity or constitutional institution; * responsible for the management, including the safe-guarding and the maintenance of the assets, and for the management of the liabilities; The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) (85 of 1993, Construction Regulat ions) state that: the owner of any â€Å"structure†(incl. nfrastructure such as waterworks, buildings, drainage works and roads) to maintain such structure in a manner that the structure remains safe for continued use and such maintenance records shall be kept and made available to an inspector for continued use. 11. ASSET MANAGEMENT QUALITY FRAMEWORK The development of an ISO Standard for Asset Management is currently in progress. The ISO Standard development is being led by the British Standards Institute (BSI) as secretariat and there are 22 countries participating and 14 countries observing. South Africa is participating with representation from the SABS. The ISO standard is expected to be launched in late 2011. The final ISO standard is expected to be substantially aligned with the current PAS55 specification for asset management, which has widespread adoption around the world by both public and private enterprises.Rand Water will adopt the PAS55 specification as an int erim framework for the implementation of asset management until the launch of the ISO Quality Standard for Asset Management. Once the ISO Quality Standard has been launched, Rand Water can evaluate the formal adoption of the Quality Standard within the organization. 12. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The strategic assets of Rand Water work together as one large system, for which custodianship is assigned to the Senior Manager Assets. However, the Rand Water assets can currently be split into 4 main supply systems and 2 main purification systems, on the basis of geography and function.The systems are the following: * Eikenhof Supply System * Zwartkopjies Supply System * Palmiet Supply System * Mapleton Supply System * Vereeniging Purification System * Zuikerbosch Purification System These systems are shown in the figure below. Figure 121: Rand Water Supply and Purification Systems The management objectives of the Supply Systems are somewhat different from the m anagement objectives of the Purification Systems. The management objectives of the Supply Systems are focused on satisfying commercial customer service levels, managing current and future user demand, and managing water delivery including water conveyance, pumping, storing, and end user delivery control.The Purification System management objectives revolve around managing the purification of raw water to agreed quantity and quality service levels. Given the vast magnitude of the assets under Rand Water control and the different management objectives, it is prudent to split the asset management planning responsibility according to the different supply systems and then roll these plans up into a consolidated Asset Management Plan (AMP) for the entire organization. This is shown schematically below. Eikenhof Supply System AMP Zwartkopjies Supply System AMP Palmiet Supply System AMP Mapleton Supply System AMP Vereeniging Purification System AMP Zuikerbosch Purification System AMP Rand W ater Consolidated AMP Figure 122: Asset Management PlansAlthough the management objectives and the planning are logically split according to the functional areas above, the technical expertise is asset type specific and cuts across the different functional areas. Seven areas of technical expertise have been identified below and a detailed breakdown of assets is provided in Annexure A. : 1. Buildings and Property; 2. Civil Structures; 3. Pipelines; 4. Electrical Equipment; 5. Mechanical Equipment; 6. Process Plant; and 7. Automation Equipment. In order to effectively manage the asset portfolio, planning should done by functional area, with each functional area being assigned to one Asset Management Planner.The technical expertise of managing the assets is best arranged by asset group and should be headed by an Asset Manager. The Asset Management Planner should have expertise in planning and the primary management responsibility of developing and implementing Asset Management Plans fo r each Supply System. This includes defining service levels, forecasting demand, integration, optimised decision making, and developing long term financial plans. The Asset Manager should have a strong technical background in design, rehabilitation, and maintenance of the asset group and the primary management responsibility of optimally managing the lifecycle of the asset group, bearing in mind the priorities and constraints of each Supply System.This includes managing condition data collection, assessing asset risk, setting standards, and the development of maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. These two groups will interact in a matrix structure as shown below. Figure 123: Asset Management Planning and Management Structure It should be noted that the Asset Managers help the Asset Management Planners develop the best asset management strategies to achieve the specific objectives of the Supply System. For example, the strategy to manage pumps in a Supply System may be differen t from the strategy to manage pumps in a Purification System as the pumps pose different risks to the achievement of the management outcomes.Even between two different Supply Systems, similar pumps may have different strategies as they may pose different risks to each particular Supply System. The organogram under the Senior Manager Assets is shown below. Figure 124: Organogram There is substantial integration required between all the units under the Senior Manager: Assets to implement effective asset management practices. These interfaces will mature with the implementation of a structured asset management improvement process. 13. 14. ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROCESS Rand Water is at the initiation stage of the implementation of asset management as a holistic practice across its structure.A new structure has been formed under a strategic asset manager and the mandate has been given for the structure to implement asset management best practice. The strategic asset manager now ne eds to proceed with the implementation process. The process for the adoption of asset management within Rand Water follows the approach advocated by PAS55 with additional guidance from the IIMM. The process starts with the development of an asset management policy that is aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization. The policy then guides the development of an asset management strategy, which is a set of actions, to enable asset management within the organization.The strategy needs to be implemented in a manner that develops internal capacity in the organization to execute the asset management practices as a part of everyday business. A process of improvement management then needs to be adopted to ensure that the asset management capabilities are further developed and refined with time. The asset management strategy implementation will require substantial change management to raise the capability from awareness through to integration. The process is shown in the table below. | Asset Management Policy| Asset Management Strategy| Strategy Implementation| Improvement Management| What is it? | Broadly outlines how and why AM will be undertaken across the organisation as a whole. | Specifies actions to be undertaken to improve AM capability to achieve specific objectives. Implementation of the identified actions . | Continuous refinement of the strategy and implementation of revised actions. | Objective| Provides the organisational foundation and mandate to undertake AM in a structured and coordinated manner. | Develops a structured set of actions aimed at enabling AM within the organisation. | Develops internal capability to implement and sustain AM practices. | Refines AM capabilities through continuous structured improvement management. | Description| * Organizational context, importance of AM * Organizational vision and goals and AM vision and goals * AM policies underpinning AM goals * Key performance measures for policies incl. imeframes * AM re sponsibilities and relationships * AM integration with business processes| * Description of current practices * Description of required practices to achieve AM vision and goals * Identification of the gap between current practices and future vision * Identification and description of strategies to close the gaps in a structured manner| * Raising of awareness across the organization * Developing of technical understanding * Embedding of AM practices through application * Integration of AM practices to achieve multi-disciplinary AM benefits| * Optimisation of AM practices through refinement and enhancement * Innovation of new and best practices that deliver step changes rather than incremental change| 15. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT The asset management strategy specifies the actions that need to be undertaken to develop, improve and embed asset management capacity within the organization in order to achieve the corporate objectives.The process of strategy development is to assess the organization’s asset management system by means of an asset management practices audit, which compares the organization's current asset management practices against the requirements of PAS 55 and international best practice. The audit is made against the asset management system components that comprise asset management within the organization. The identified best practice â€Å"gaps†are prioritized and programmed in an asset management strategy to drive improvement. Furthermore, the audit provides a benchmark to measure organizational improvement and maturity annually. 16. ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS The asset management system is a whole of life asset management framework that reflects the management and control level in the organization as well as the different stages of the asset lifecycle i. e. he system addresses the strategic, tactical and operational management of the organization as well as the planning, implementation and asset care phases o f the asset lifecycle. Note that the disposal stage is included under the asset care phase. The asset management system components illustrated below provide a high level structure for the strategy development. Each component should be reviewed in detail to determine the level of maturity of current practices, the best appropriate maturity level, and to define the actions required to achieve best practice. The components are shown in the figure below and described in greater detail in the text that follows.FIGURE PROVIDED SEPARATELY Figure 151: Asset Management System Components Strategic Management Components Asset Management Policy and Strategy An Asset Management Policy is a description of an organisation’s approach to Asset Management. It provides both the link between the overall organisational strategic plan and an effective Asset Management Plan, and also provides the start of the rationale that ultimately justifies every Asset Management activity the organisation under takes. An Asset Management Strategy documents the organisation’s overall approach to managing physical assets. It describes how the Asset Management Policy is to be implemented.As such it needs to be closely aligned with that policy as well as linking to other associated higher level strategies (e. g. operational strategic plans etc. ) Risk Management Policy A Risk Management Policy is a description of an organisation’s approach to Risk Management. It addresses the management of risk between the strategic, tactical and operational level of management and the linkages between these levels. It is closely aligned to the Asset Management Policy. Statutory Compliance Organisations must be fully aware of the duties imposed under legal instruments for all of their activities and must ensure its systems and procedures fully comply with the requirements.The organisation should have a system for identifying the laws and regulations applying to all activities involved with physic al assets and to ensure its systems and procedures comply with the requirements. Organisational Alignment and Commitment Organizational alignment and commitment across the organization is essential for the successful implementation of asset management. The Asset Management Policy, Strategy, and Plans should be aligned with corporate objectives. The asset management strategy implementation should be overseen by a steering committee with representation by departments including finance, corporate, planning, maintenance, operations, and project management. Asset management information and plans should be widely available and used across the organization to inform strategic and tactical plans across the organization.A strong commitment to an asset management improvement process by senior executive management, backed by the availing of adequate resources to implement the process, has proved to be a significant determinant of asset management success and lead to the realisation of asset ma nagement benefits. Asset Management Structure and Responsibilities The definition of roles and responsibilities for the implementation of the Asset Management Strategy is necessary to ensure clarity of purpose and to manage interfaces between line functions. Asset management KPIs should strengthen the accountability towards the implementation of the strategy. Customer Service Level ManagementThe setting and management of Customer Service Levels have substantial influence on the Asset Management Plans, which have the objective of providing the desired level of service in the most cost-effective manner (IIMM). The setting of Customer Service Levels should be undertaken in a consultative basis with customers and should reflect customer expectations. Improvement Actions and Management of Change Improvement actions and management of change are the combined processes, systems and procedures in place in an organisation to specifically deal with corrective actions, preventive actions and co ntinuous improvement actions. Financing StrategyThe financing strategy should quantify the total cost of asset ownership and the funding needs for additional capacity, level of service changes, asset renewal, and maintenance and operations over a long term planning period (20 years). The impact on funding sources and tariff setting should be determined to manage the surplus/deficit and to maintain financial sustainability over the long term. Investment decision making should incorporate organizational risk and triple-bottom-line consequences in the analysis framework. Skills Enhancement and Management Skills Enhancement and Management refers to the processes utilised to manage personnel training and development, along with staff retention systems. Tactical Management Components Subgroup: Planning Demand ForecastingDemand forecasting is the estimation of the change in demand based on population and land use change within a long term planning horizon (20 years). Demand forecasts incor porate several demand influences including service level changes, pricing, customer types, and consumption trends. Several demand forecast scenarios are developed and associated risks are quantified. Failure Prediction (capacity) Capacity failure prediction is the evaluation of capacity against forecast demand to predict failure time and the associate risks thereof. Failure Prediction (condition) Condition failure prediction is the prediction of asset decay and the associated risks of asset deterioration over time along with the dentification of appropriate asset strategies to manage the risks. Strategic Maintenance Planning The Strategic Maintenance Plan documents the continuing suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of the Asset Care function by addressing formal compliance audits results, performance against KPIs, incident results, progress against previous management reviews, and plans for improvement. Reliability Engineering ; RAM analysis Reliability, Availability , Maintainability (RAM) Analysis provides organisational risk based assessments to highlight which assets are providing optimised return on investment and are being administered effectively at lowest cost.It involves understanding the concept of the three critical factors and how each affects the other. RAM can be applied at any point in the project lifecycle from concept to operation. However, it is most cost-effective at the early detailed design stage when the required operating parameters are known, equipment designs/vendors have been selected and engineering feedback from the RAM study can still be effectively and efficiently incorporated into the overall design. Asset Lifecycle Analysis Life cycle analysis involves the analysis of all costs associated with owning an asset. It is the sum of all recurring and non-recurring costs over the full life span of an asset or system.It includes the purchase price, installation cost, operating costs, maintenance and upgrade costs and the salvage value at the end of ownership or its useful life. Optimised Decision Making Optimised Decision Making is the process of identifying and prioritising projects/interventions required to manage risks at optimal timing, along with multi-criteria prioritisation based on lifecycle cost and triple-bottom-line based consequence analysis. The decision making is integrated across service disciplines and functional areas to derive the optimal project/intervention program that results in the best investment for the organization. Investment AnalysisInvestment Analysis refers to the evaluation framework and financial analysis used to evaluate the viability of the investments and to inform investment decision making. Investment analysis includes financial modelling and the quantification of net present value, benefit-cost ratios, risk reduction benefits, societal benefits, etc. Asset Management Plan The Asset Management Plan informs the organization of how the assets will be managed over t he long term (20 years) along with a short term implementation plan (5 years). The Asset Management Plan highlights the changes in demand, service levels, and asset condition along with the risks that these pose to the organization.It quantifies the long term funding needs and constraints and explains how the funding will be prioritised between the competing needs. It provides a prioritised short term (5 year) project/intervention program for implementation. It also incorporates the asset management improvement plan, which guides the organization on the practices to improve over the short term. Subgroup: Implementation Lifecycle Design Optimisation Lifecycle Design Optimisation is the process of incorporating lifecycle analysis, maintenance strategy, and maintenance constraints into the design phase to ensure that infrastructure is designed in a manner that minimises the long term lifecycle cost of asset ownership. Operational Readiness and CommissioningOperational Readiness is a st ructured systemic process that is used to prepare for the project operational phase. It is used to ensure that new or modified assets or systems are able to commence operation in the desired and expected manner. It is an integrated, proactive, considered approach to projects that ensures that people are operationally ready, systems are operationally ready, and assets are operationally ready. Commissioning is an integral part of the Operational Readiness process that refers to the execution of the testing, dynamic verification and acceptance plans for the assets to ensure the asset has been delivered to the required quality and performance criteria. Equipment StandardisationEquipment Standardisation describes the continual improvement method of reducing the cost of inventory and maintenance, by reducing instances of machinery, materials or spare parts that are one-off or stand-alone compared to others in use at a site. When equipment is standardised, one suite of spare parts can be u sed, and training for personnel is reduced, which in turn reduces overall maintenance cost. Subgroup: Asset Care Maintenance Performance Management (KPIs) Performance metrics (KPIs) are measures of an organisation's activities and performance and enable maintenance performance to be monitored against specific targets. Asset StrategiesAsset Strategy Development is the process to ensure that appropriate maintenance activities are performed with optimum effectiveness and efficiency to allow an organisation to achieve its business objectives at the lowest asset lifecycle cost. Failure Analysis and Root Cause Mitigation Failure Analysis and Root Cause Mitigation is the identification of potential costly failures and mitigation of all possible root causes of such failures. â€Å"Apollo Root Cause Analysis†is an event-based problem solving technique widely used as a leading practice to identify failure modes and effects on the process. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) are reliability based techniques and products that can be used to solve a wide range of reliability problems. Reliability Centred MaintenanceReliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) is a process that is used to determine what sort of maintenance needs to be carried out on any physical asset with a focus on preserving its system functions, rather than preserving the equipment. RCM is a logical, structured framework for determining the optimum mix of applicable and effective maintenance activities needed to sustain the desired level of operational reliability of systems and equipment while ensuring their safe and economical operation and support. External benchmarking Benchmarking is a continuous improvement tool that is used to achieve improved performance by measuring the organisation against other organisations that are identified as exhibiting leading practice worldwide. SustainabilitySustainability is the evaluation of the envi ronmental, economic and social impact of the assets and the extent to which the triple-bottom-line elements are incorporated in the organisation’s practices. Loss Mapping and Analysis All organisations are working to get competitive returns from their investments in assets. The complexity in plants and equipment through process automation and technology has substantially increased the number of problems that can cause production problems. To identify the source of the problems which contribute to major losses is a very important criterion to prioritise the process improvement projects. Maintenance/Operations Integration Maintenance/Operations Integration is a management principle with derivative actions, and is designed to combine the organisational functions of theOperations and Maintenance groups in order to become more effective and efficient. Integration ensures that the human resources of both departments have a clear, common and collective purpose to improve the equipme nt performance, and subsequently the benefits to the business. Operational Risk Analysis (compliance, contingency plan, risk management) The Operational Risk Management (ORM) process is undertaken to identify and quantify risk exposure and then develop suitable strategies, plans and procedures to maximise its upside and minimise its downside exposures. Operational Management Components Subgroup: Planning Planning Data Collection (condition, usage, risk)Planning data collection refers to the collection of information for planning purposes, which usually includes condition, usage, and risk data amongst other data. This information typically covers the entire asset group and is used to identify projects/interventions that need to be implemented over the planning horizon. Planning Information Management (condition, usage, risk, GIS) Planning Information Management refers to application of systems to manage planning information. Due to the different nature of planning and maintenance dat a, planning data typically does not reside is a CMMS, but rather resides within a GIS and planning database. Linkages between systems are important to allow the transfer of data for planning and analysis. Subgroup: ImplementationMaterial and Contract Management (vendor reliability, material management) Vendor Reliability refers to the capacity and capability of a vendor (or group of vendors) to consistently supply goods and services to the client in a timely manner as per defined specifications and standards. Materials Management is the complete set of processes and procedures that are used to ensure that resources other than personnel, tools and equipment are readily available to support all maintenance activities. Subgroup: Asset Care Maintenance Information Mgmt (CMMS) Maintenance Information Management entails acquiring, organising, maintaining and retrieving maintenance information.A Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is a system to assist with the effective and efficient management of maintenance activities through the application of computer technology. It generally includes elements such as a Work Order system, as well as facilities for scheduling Routine Maintenance Tasks, and recording and storing Standard Jobs, Bills of Materials and Applications Parts Lists, and other associated features. Maintenance Identification and Prioritisation Maintenance Identification is the process of defining what needs to be done to an existing asset to either ensure it remains in a state whereby it can perform its stated function, or can be efficiently returned to such a state.Maintenance Prioritisation is the process of determining a ranking or rating for a defined amount of work, based on an objective assessment of the importance of the work, in terms of the impact failure of the asset would have. Asset Criticality can be incorporated during this prioritisation process. Preventative Maintenance (inspections, work management) Preventive Maintenance is t he systematic care, servicing and inspection of equipment for the purpose of maintaining it in serviceable condition and detecting and eliminating failure modes. The ultimate goal of doing preventive maintenance is to keep the equipment running to its required function and operational standard. Work management covers all procedures that are followed to ensure that maintenance work is carried out in an efficient and effective manner.Work execution procedures are usually enacted by maintenance supervisors or coordinators and apply to work being done under the authority of properly planned and scheduled work orders. Planning and Scheduling (budgeting, short and medium-term planning, scheduling) Maintenance planning and scheduling includes the budgeting, planning and scheduling of equipment maintenance strategies to ensure that activities are performed with optimum effectiveness and efficiency. Health, Safety and Environment Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) management encompasses t he systems and procedures that are adopted to reduce the risk of causing harm to people and the environment that may be associated with the way in which maintenance activities are carried out. Condition Based MaintenanceCondition Based Maintenance is an equipment maintenance strategy based on measuring the condition of equipment in order to assess whether it will fail during some future period, and then taking appropriate action to avoid the consequences of that failure. The condition of equipment could be monitored using Condition Monitoring, Statistical Process Control techniques, by monitoring equipment performance, or through the use of the Human Senses. The terms Condition Based Maintenance, On-Condition Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance can be used interchangeably. Autonomous Maintenance Autonomous Maintenance refers to the management routine and minor maintenance of equipment without the need or requirement for intervention from a dedicated maintenance team. It is the ru nning repairs and adjustments that can be performed by the operators, before, after and during the use of the machinery.To enable these tasks to be completed effectively, operators need to be trained in the types of adjustments and repairs they are expected to perform, and given a degree of ownership of the equipment. Autonomous maintenance relies heavily on training and education to be able to identify the difference between normal and abnormal operation of the equipment they are operating. Organizational Support Components Information Architecture and Business Process Information Architecture is the flow of information and defines where and whom will be updating various data fields to ensure accurate information and accountability as it flows through various systems (GIS, CMMS, etc. ) Information flow mapping and allocating responsibility for data management increases the quality of the information.Business Process mapping identifies the process of tasks and responsibilities for t he implementation of key processes in the business. 17. CONCLUSION This document provides a framework for the adoption of a structured approach to implement asset management best practice within Rand Water. The document clarifies the scope of asset management, identifies a quality framework to adopt, describes the high level structure and responsibilities, defines an improvement process, and defines the asset management system components that should be developed in the improvement process to implement a whole of life asset management approach within the organisation.The implementation process required to adopt and embed asset management practices in a structured manner is described in this document and is the recommended way forward for Rand Water. Annexure A:ASSET PORTFOLIOS The following table lists a comprehensive collection of Rand Water’s Strategic Assets. The Assets of Rand Water can broadly be grouped into the following portfolios (in alphabetical order): Buildings and Property| Civil Structures| Pipelines and Servitudes| Electrical Equipment| Mechanical Equipment| Process Plants| Automation Equipment| Access control Air conditioning CarportsCCTVElectricsEngine Rooms Estates Farms Fencing Fire protection Furniture GardensHostels Houses Interior decorationIntruder detectionLandOffices Passive SecurityPavingPlant uildings SewageStoresWorkshops Encroachment | Balancing TanksBarrage structureBridgesCarbonation baysConditioning baysControl WorksCanal Engine RoomsFiltersForebayFlocculators OverflowsPlant structuresRailway sidingsReservoirsRoadsSediment tanksSumps| Air valvesBreak pressure tanksConnectionsCulvertsDeviationsElectrolysisFlow controlIn-line filtersInner liningsIsolation valvesJunctionsMeter chambersNon-return valvesOuter coatingsPipe manufacture plantPipelinesPipeline protectionPressure controlProtectionScour chambersScour valvesServitudesSurveyTunnelsValve chambersWater hammer systemsWater lossesEncroachment| BatteriesBattery chargersCabl ingControl desksControl panelsDistribution boardsEarthingElectricity supplyEmergency generatorsEnergy meteringEnergy managementHarmonic filtersHydro power LightingLightning protectionLV switchgearMimicsMinisubsMotor control centresMotorsMV switchgearPower factor correctionProtectionReticulationRing main unitsSubstationsTransformersUPS’sVSD’s / soft starters| ActuatorsBlowersCompressorsConveyorsCranesCrushersDesludge bridgesDust extractionGatesPipeworkPressure vesselsPumpsValvesNon return valvesSteelworkThickenersSump pumpsVehiclesEarth moving| AmmoniaCarbonationChlorineFerric ChlorideGAC filtrationLime burningLime slakingMembraneMilk of lime dosingOzonePoly ElectrolyteRWW treatmentSand filtrationSodium hypochloriteUltra violet lightChemical supplyChemical quality| ArchestraCommunicationControl CentresControl schemesFlood controlFlow meteringHuman Machine InterfacesInstrumentation PLCScadaInsql data historiansIndustrial networks Industrial serversIndustrial softwareSW c onfiguration controlTelemetryIntelligent control|
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