Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation - 4960 Words
Content Introduction.........................................................................................2 *Literature Review.................................................................................*2 *Empirica*l case......................................................*................................*.*7* Google................................................................................................*.*.*.*7 *Discussion...........................................................................................*.*..9* *Conclusion Recommendation..........................................................*11†¦show more content†¦leadership, teams, performance management, managerial ethics, decision making and organisation change Steers, R.M Mowday, T.R Shapiro, D.L (2004) and this is the reason why this topic has attracted attentions from different authors and researchers in the past years. This has also led to the proposition of theories to support this managerial concept i.e. motivation. These theories are referred to as motivational theories. There are so many theories on motivation, each acting as a competitor to the other on attempt to best explain the nature of motivation. Within the vast number of theories, some are built on economic knowledge with a psychological understanding (Maslow, 1943) etc. Mullins, L.J suggests that all these theories are at least partially true and all help explain the behaviour of certain people at certain times but however, the search for a generalized theory on motivation at work appears to be in vain (Pg 414, 5th Ed). It is indeed because of the fact that there are no generalized or single solutions as to what motivates people or individual in organisation, that there are different theories on motivation. These theories are then divided into those concerned with identifying the needs toward which behaviour(s) is directed – content theory and those that are concerned with the dynamic, menta l processes that lead to individuals following certain goals rather than others –Show MoreRelated Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation Essay930 Words  | 4 PagesJob Satisfaction and Employee Motivation Abstract The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how motivation is instilled in the workplace with co-workers and oneself. In addition, objects that make the job satisfying will be discussed. Body Motivation is something that can come and go in an instant. The workplace often can be a fun and enjoyable place, but other times it can be the pit of hell. 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